K1S - The First Front & Rear 1080p Hidden Dash Camera

Interesting, apparently well thought out camera, but $345.00 USD!

If I indulge in a bit of nit-picking, I would like to see camera/lens modules that are smaller and even more discreet. (perhaps horizontally mounted rather than vertical)

For the time being I think I'll stick with a multiple Mobius set-up.
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real happy to see these finally coming out in decent specs.
real happy to see these finally coming out in decent specs.

I think we'll finally start to see many similar models coming to market. The question may be whether the price/performance equation can compete with small multiple cams.
Nice but i expect simmilar cameras from other makers to 1 up this one, but that beeing said its nice to see the ball rolling.
I like. Video quality looks really good. Biggest problem I see is the diameter of some of the cables can make it a bit problematic to tuck away behind the A/B/C/D (whichever you use) pillars and finding a location for the recording unit where having 3 or 4 cables running to it won't be more trouble than it's worth.

Edit: Just noticed it has the Ambarella A7LA70 processor that reportedly has some issues.
I was kinda hoping makers of cameras on a wire would make the housing so that the wire can come out of the housing in 2-3 places/ angles, otherwise if the wire is stiff and just come off the camera in 1 direction/angle installing can be problematic.
Just like some ppl have discovered with the X2 rear camera, the angle the wire come of it is less than optimal in some cases.
And please use thin soft wires if possible.
I assume the X1 / X2 rear camera wires is softer than the C3 wire as it have more leads in it.
$345.00 USD!
so it's 3.45 times better than an 100 $ dashcam, no ? :p
price/performance equation
I'll stick with a multiple Mobius set-up.
which isn't a bad idea. If one of them will have a problem, you'll still have another functional.
Ambarella A7LA70 processor that reportedly has some issues
what kind ?
wire is stiff
for good EMI protection and low signal attenuation you don't have too many solutions. Or you may have but the final price will be higher.


Good idea. I was thinking to fit something like that to a G90, but I couldn't find a nice solution.
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This will die on extreme weather as it does not have a supercapacitor

Btw this is 350 pounds! not USD he said from some companies.
The K1/K1S has been out for 6 months now. I tested the K1 and it was not ready for prime time. (froze often) I haven't personally tried the new K1S yet.

I'm not yet sure it qualifies to my personal tastes/standards as it stands today.

As per title, It's not the first. K1x was been presented 5-6 month ago at various shows and they started selling the K1S about 3 month ago. (K1 a few months before that)

I've also tested two other remote lens products, both 1080p and hidden unit, also based on Ambarella A7LA70. They were low bit rate from the limited Omnivision CMOS, all unstable and buggy. (firmware was not polished enough) The A7LAXX dashcam products in general will suffer until the Ambarella SDK matures.

K1S has a Low maximum VBR for the rear channel, but overall will do the job for some, however would be good to have both 13Mbps, or even better 15Mbps.

Battery operated ( not capacitor ), which is no good. This won't work for high heat cars long term.

Omnivision CMOS sensor, probably OV2710 ? Not as good as Sony Exmor, but could possibly do the job average if tuned up properly.

No parking mode.

That's a lot of money for compromises I'll have to look at it closer but that's my general opinion so far.
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so it's 3.45 times better than an 100 $ dashcam, no ? :p

Well, you have to consider that the K1S at $345 USD would really be more akin to purchasing two cameras that cost $172.50 each. Still, for approximately the same price as a K1S you could buy four Mobius cameras including cables, microSD cards and mounts along with two dual 12V power supplies and end up with high quality 360 degree coverage around your vehicle. Add another $24 and you could include super-capacitors for all 4 cams.
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Eh we're getting there but based on several of the design decisions I wouldn't want one.

I would love a screen-less one with WiFi so I could hide the main unit and just reach down and hit a WiFi button then access from my phone.

Although I do like the ability to connect to your cars display, but with that I feel a remote is necessary.
with you on the wifi + app route. I really don't need a screen for anything except the initial aiming. I have no desire to review video on a dash cam interface.
I like this setup. I'll wait a few months to see how people like theirs first though. I needed a rear backup camera for my truck and the factory plug in style cost more than this setup. The little LCD screen would be good when backing up.
Hi!. Someone commented on Techmoan page that in the next few months we will see a StreetGuardian product similar to this dual dash camera. @jokiin : how much truth is in this, if you could disclose something.
Thank you @jokiin, prompt as usual!. If it counts, I personally vote for a X1 dual camera system with smaller main unit!
Maybe not easy to see in the video but the main unit is actually very small, not sure who commented on Techmoan's page but we have been evaluating this model among others, there's a few changes that need to happen to get it to the level we expect though, it's not quite there but has potential with a bit of sorting and a couple of changes, there are others to consider though and at the moment it's about seeing if there's something that can deliver the right results