Kamkar on the SJDASH

And its not like the microphone are weak as is, no problem hearing every little squeak from my car, with the right timing you might even be able to hear my back throw out, or at least me sighing when it happen.

yeah as I mentioned previously it is either a very sensitive mic or they have too much gain wound into it, either way I'm sure it could be improved
The audio sounds like it's from a Mobius.
A little footage from today, fair weather :rolleyes: and focus on plates.
Okay so i have been messing around today,,,, just like any other day :)

But i did make a discovery in regard to the SJDASH and its app ( v 1.4 )

As i have said before on my phone ( Android 7.1.1 ) i can do it all, but after a stop/start of the car & camera to get the app to work with the camera again i have to delete the wifi spot in my phone.
Why is strange cuz in #2 round the phone find and connect to the camera flawless every time, but when it then come to the app it just will not do it #2 time around.
So i think it is something to do with the app, cuz the wifi seem to work fine, they find each other and connect really nice and fast.
Pressing the connect to camera button in the app just dont do anything on the second attempt.

BUT !!!!

Using my Asus tablet with Android 5.0 on it, then things change cuz it will find and connect to the camera every time and the app will work every time too.

Aside for 1 thing, after 4-5 minutes the screen go partly opaque / dim down a little ( can still see the app running in the background and the live preview also running ) and then there is a little white box saying disconnect from camera, which i can then confirm and no other option.
I have no idea why the tablet want to disconnect from the camera the live view i can see all the time are as live as it can get and there is no problems what so ever, and looking on wifi on the tablet it and the camera are also connected off course.

So i do think there need some tweaks to the app in regard to OS version.

Tomorrow i will try and grab some screenshots or maybe some video so people can see what i mean.
Okay. So today i got a new app for the SJDASH, and while i have not looked closely at it, then i have found that it support the preview footage in landscape mode.
Many a wifi addict will be pleased with that :cool:
The issue connecting the app still persist on my Android 7.1.1 phone, connecting wifi is perfect, getting app to launch with that wifi connection not working at all unless you have just found the wifi and entered the password for it.
Okay im back again with more stuff.
First off a screen grab from my phone, as you can se the preview steam dont quite fill the screen, dunno if this was intentional by the people in the Sjcam labs.
As you can see the white frame if you want only flank the preview on the sides and top, the bottom line up fine with the phone.

Second i finally got to take that drive on the back road, and then for a bonus i have thrown in the end some more town footage driving up past that statue of the big horse in town.
I have tried to tweak the 2 steams in post so the footages are more the same, but i cant do it 100 % as the 2 cameras dont have the same lens.

O and i forgot to add it to the footage, it is the SJDASH on top and the reference SG9665GC V3 on the bottom.
Okay so i have been messing around today,,,, just like any other day :)

But i did make a discovery in regard to the SJDASH and its app ( v 1.4 )

As i have said before on my phone ( Android 7.1.1 ) i can do it all, but after a stop/start of the car & camera to get the app to work with the camera again i have to delete the wifi spot in my phone.
Why is strange cuz in #2 round the phone find and connect to the camera flawless every time, but when it then come to the app it just will not do it #2 time around.
So i think it is something to do with the app, cuz the wifi seem to work fine, they find each other and connect really nice and fast.
Pressing the connect to camera button in the app just dont do anything on the second attempt.

BUT !!!!

Using my Asus tablet with Android 5.0 on it, then things change cuz it will find and connect to the camera every time and the app will work every time too.

Aside for 1 thing, after 4-5 minutes the screen go partly opaque / dim down a little ( can still see the app running in the background and the live preview also running ) and then there is a little white box saying disconnect from camera, which i can then confirm and no other option.
I have no idea why the tablet want to disconnect from the camera the live view i can see all the time are as live as it can get and there is no problems what so ever, and looking on wifi on the tablet it and the camera are also connected off course.

So i do think there need some tweaks to the app in regard to OS version.

Tomorrow i will try and grab some screenshots or maybe some video so people can see what i mean.
Can you please shoot a short video for us? our App team is not encountering this issue.

Nice review kamkar1
I think that SJDASH is more softer in details. I mean the grass and bushes. (and of cource youtube does not make it any better)

But is there an option to put black bars top and bottom, call it cinema or wide view or something. I have found that option is very usefull to block the sky and dashboard. I don't know technically, would it make the footage any more crisp. But i think that clouds and dashboard eates those bits unnecessarily.
Yes i have noticed this softness too, i am not sure if it is the camera that is a little out of focus or it is in the quality of the lens used.
to me looking at the footage it dont matter if it is really near or far then the softness are there, and its not like the SG9665GC is using any form of sharpness added to the footage, i had that in Lukas dashcams and it dont look good.

No there are no Cinema mode in the SJDASH, to do that you will need a oversized sensor so you can use a 21:9 area of the sensor instead of the full 16:9 of the actual sensor.
Of course you could overlay 2 black bars on any sized footage, but that would just be silly to me.

I will try to film the app launch issue.
A little footage from today, fair weather :rolleyes: and focus on plates.
The plate numbers in your country are so large that even the worst DVR will show it. North American plates numbers is another story
Yes i have noticed this softness too, i am not sure if it is the camera that is a little out of focus or it is in the quality of the lens used.
to me looking at the footage it dont matter if it is really near or far then the softness are there, and its not like the SG9665GC is using any form of sharpness added to the footage, i had that in Lukas dashcams and it dont look good.

No there are no Cinema mode in the SJDASH, to do that you will need a oversized sensor so you can use a 21:9 area of the sensor instead of the full 16:9 of the actual sensor.
Of course you could overlay 2 black bars on any sized footage, but that would just be silly to me.

I will try to film the app launch issue.
I don't mind that the grass is soft. And as it can see in your video, that it is sharp enough to capture incoming traffic license plates.

And about the black bars. Yes, it would be pointless to just ad the black bars, if it wouldn't bring more data to center.
DDPai has this feature, but I'm not sure, does that make the video quality any better, or is it just a software gimmick/thing.

Lähetetty minun ONEPLUS A3003 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
@sjcam_official i was not able to replicate this issue, it now function just fine.
I assume it is due to me doing a reset to default before i recorded a video of it now working, at first it used default SSID and PW, and that worked just fine, so i think Aaaaa so its becuz i changed name on wifi and PW, so i changed those but it still work just fine now.

I will try later to see if it have also killed the disconnect issue with my android 5.0 tablet.
Okay a swear to you just now after testing on the computer table and find everything fine, upon reaching my car the app just will not connect to the camera.
And the only things that changed are that now i am in my car and the SJDASH are on the PSU in the car Vs the PSU i use on my computer table.
But in my car the app will not launce before i told my phone to forget the camera wifi and then setting it up again.
This is really weird on my computer table i just can not get the camera to not work with the app, but in my car the 2 things just dont talk other than if i just set up the wifi and have not had the camera or phone shut down.
Okay, we have reported these findings. We are still not able to replicate the issue but are looking into it. If we had a video it would be easier for me to explain to our programmers.
I tried to make 2 videos yesterday, but the one had too much light and the other had too little light so light of phone and tablet just blinded Sj7 camera.

Will find some shade today and try again.
Played aroud with some footage from today.
First go tried to pimp it a little extra, lost the zoom once and somehow i lost the end of my movie.

Pretty strait forward, the SJDASH perform as expected with plate captures in favorable conditions, dont get too exited any good dashcam can do the same.
Compiled some more DEMO footage today, this time in modest light levels and the rain, so needless to say you need a bit of luck here.
BUT ! the SJDASH did well as you can see, enough light for it to capture plates, and i was lucky with droplet on windscreen placement and timing of wiper in relation to target.

Dont fall on your ass or throw arms in the air in amazement, any good dashcam can do the same.

Off course i had registrator viewer running in the background to do frame by frame analyze and get the plates, some times i had to extrapolate plate from 2-3 frames due to droplets and wipers on windscreen.
But all plates are in green as i am confident that is their actual plate numbers.

And do remember plate capture are a hazy experience you can only expect those in the best of conditions, most important there being plenty of light.
A hot lap or rather a wet lap around town using the new firmware ( 1.2 )

Put together a little video comparing the microphone on SG9665GC and the SJDASH.
No doubt who is the winner, the new firmware for the SJDASH ( FW 1.2 ) dont seem to have any microphone tweaks to it.
Also it is clear i need more handovers between the 2 cameras, learning as i go, so bare with me.
