Keeping recordings


New Member
Sep 27, 2014
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United Kingdom
I'm considering getting a 0803 shortly. In the next few weeks I'm doing a driving course that I want to keep a video record of the whole day. How long will I get unique recording on a 32mb card and I assume ill just have to download it a few times during the day
I don't know, but the manual says that continuous plays is recording until 3.5 GB and the camera stop recording and you should start a new rec manually.
If it were me I would get an extra card (or 2) in addition to the one in the camera. Just in case you do not have time to download the videos from the chip to either a computer or something. Or the first chip fails for some reason; or for any unforeseen reason. Just being cautious, I have a couple chips for my current cam, you know, just in case.