Lens Distortion Correction?


New Member
Aug 4, 2018
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Saudi Arabia
Hello everyone
I bought the DDPai mini 3 couple days ago, the installation was easy but suffered to update the cam through the android app!

anyway, there is an option called "Lens Distortion Correction" in the app, and couldn't really understand what its function, could anyone help and explain its benefits?

and another question, from your experiences what is the best resolution out of the three in terms of sharpness and clarity " 1080 / 1440 / 1600 "?
Wide angle lenses cause the fish eye distortion effect that curve tall buildings etc.

1600 I guess would be best .
thanks mate, I guess I better leave it turned off as I didn't notice the distortion on the videos.
What many people call "fish eye distortion" is really an optical phenomenon seen in some (but not all) wide angle lenses known as "barrel distortion". It's the opposite of a related phenomenon seen in some telephoto lenses called "pincushion distortion".

Some recent dash and action cam chip-sets have a function called "Lens Distortion Correction" that basically corrects barrel distortion based on a standard of grid lines. Some report good success using this feature and some don't. If the function works for you then by all means keep using it. Try it with and without using that setting so you can see what effect it is actually having on your videos.

tried it an hour ago, didn't notice any difference, maybe this function is meant for other ddpai cameras.
You find this in many photo editing programs (not seen it in video editors before). You basically stretch the photo until it appears straight. Obviously there is going to be a loss of pixels and resolution in some areas as the pixel density is altered. I don't know how it allows for this but I would expect it interpolates. I've never seen it corrected automatically though.

The real answer is for the manufacturer to use a better quality (more rectilinear) lens, however, budget has a part to play here.

As for resolution, a sensor's native resolution is usually the best bet. However, experiment, as you may find you prefer a different resolution. On the same subject, a higher resolution potentially gives more detail and sharpness but only if it's native and not interpolated.
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