Littering and Fishtailing


New Member
Jun 24, 2017
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United States
Caught this Maryland idiot driver on cam- first he litters by throwing out trash from his window at the start of the video and then fishtails while trying to merge on the highway!

Sadly there are every where, we certainly have our share in the uk!!
Filthy animal :mad: i really dislike people ditching their garbage, there are absolutely ZERO need for that in this day and age.
It always amazes me when people toss garbage from their car or otherwise litter. It says a lot about them- lazy, low class, no respect for others/the environment, and self absorbed.
A few days ago I was watching one of the latest Ron Pratt's videos (vehicle recovering channel) where he was called to recover a Pontiac G6 from a large ditch that was filled with water from the overnight rain. The car was submerged to the seat's height and you can't imagine the amount of garbage that was floating inside the car! :eek:
My vehicles are always at least a little trashy because I will not litter everyone's world just so that mine isn't :cool: I can clean the car later, no big deal.

One thing the Government has gotten right here is that second offense litterers or those who dump illegally are sentenced to serve a least some hours pf "community service", specifically the picking up of litter on the roadsides :p And they do that side-by-side with prisoners on work duty with all wearing the prisoner's ugly orange jumpsuits :ROFLMAO: 25 years ago the roadsides here were very trashy, almost like a continuous dump, now they're not too bad. Proper punishments can work very effectively :D

My vehicles are always at least a little trashy because I will not litter everyone's world just so that mine isn't :cool: I can clean the car later, no big deal.

Filthy animal :mad: i really dislike people ditching their garbage, there are absolutely ZERO need for that in this day and age.
+1. I have a trash bag attached to the rear of the passenger seat. It's just as easy to use it as to throw trash out the window - even more so if the window is closed like it is most of the time.
Why would you even have trash in the car to begin with? o_O
Why would you even have trash in the car to begin with? o_O
Candy bar or cracker wrappers for snacking while on the road is the first thing that comes to mind and makes up the bulk of what's in my trash bag. That and a few tissues.
I tend to fill up the "pocket" on the driver side door before i empty it, and behind the front seat you will often have a hard time seeing the floor for empty 1/2 liter plastic soda bottles.

And i think it would be the same even after a major lotto win and me driving my dream car, i do have a pretty pragmatic relationship to my vehicles.
Why would you even have trash in the car to begin with? o_O

Some will tell you that if I'm in it, it has a full load of trash in it already :ROFLMAO: I eat on the run in the mornings which can build up into a dump-like mess faster than you'd imagine. Add my empty cigarette packs and the EPA would arrest me if I didn't clean it every few days :p

In my early 20's when I was young and crazy there were no laws against having an open alcohol container in your car. My friends and I filled the back of my large Oldsmobile station wagon with beer cans 3 times one summer drinking on the road. Had to clean it when they came over the seat under normal braking :eek: Had to leave all the windows down all the time to keep the smell tolerable. It was a good 'mask' for other smells we didn't want the Cops to get a whiff of :rolleyes: We were a wild bunch back then and AFAIK only me and two others are still alive out of the 15 or so who ran together in those days. One of those is still in jail, and only one died of natural causes.

I'm not proud of those days but they were definitely interesting ones. I am proud that I've overcome those problems and am a much better person now :cool:

I'm not proud of those days but they were definitely interesting ones. I am proud that I've overcome those problems and am a much better person now :cool:

some will tell you that some of the benefits of being older is maturity, responsibility, wisdom etc, perhaps one of the greatest advantages of being older is when we were younger there was no social media, no photo or video evidence of the stupid things we did :P
Can't get away with much these days. Worst by far is being one of Judge Judy's kids growing up.
No one will get anywhere near that ... trust me.
Some will tell you that if I'm in it, it has a full load of trash in it already :ROFLMAO: I eat on the run in the mornings which can build up into a dump-like mess faster than you'd imagine. Add my empty cigarette packs and the EPA would arrest me if I didn't clean it every few days :p

In my early 20's when I was young and crazy there were no laws against having an open alcohol container in your car. My friends and I filled the back of my large Oldsmobile station wagon with beer cans 3 times one summer drinking on the road. Had to clean it when they came over the seat under normal braking :eek: Had to leave all the windows down all the time to keep the smell tolerable. It was a good 'mask' for other smells we didn't want the Cops to get a whiff of :rolleyes: We were a wild bunch back then and AFAIK only me and two others are still alive out of the 15 or so who ran together in those days. One of those is still in jail, and only one died of natural causes.

I'm not proud of those days but they were definitely interesting ones. I am proud that I've overcome those problems and am a much better person now :cool:

To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid. :D
To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid. :D
Very true - seems that learning from your own mistakes is more lasting than learning from others. :inpain:
some will tell you that some of the benefits of being older is maturity, responsibility, wisdom etc, perhaps one of the greatest advantages of being older is when we were younger there was no social media, no photo or video evidence of the stupid things we did :p
"Age is just a number. Maturity is a choice".... Harry Styles
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Well we actually did borrow a VHS recorder the size of a stinger missile launcher, and drove around hanging out the open window to get action footage down behind the front wheel, and we was well past 20 then.

But in general,,, yes thank god there was no cameras around.

I have been looking cuz i did snap some B&W photos of me and the friends doing stupid stuff in the 8 - 9 grade, things like hanging off a 30 M tall silo in a 1" hemp rope stolen from the scaffolding company down the road.
But thank god those photos seem to be lost :D
Ahhhh MD, my home state. A place where people throw fast food garbage and dirty diapers out of car windows.

You are also only required to have a car inspected at registration so you can drive on the same tires/brakes/shocks until they literally fall off the car. Also, and mostly unrelated; carry permits are also next to impossible to get there too. I would think that all of those dangerous old cars driving around would be more unsafe than giving law abiding people carry permits.

Weird how PA (my adopted state), is so civilized in some respects with yearly safety inspections but gives out carry permits like candy. Our burnouts and fishtailing are done in the dry!:censored: