Location-aware parking mode (wifi/gps)


New Member
Apr 2, 2016
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United States
Hi. I just ordered a SG9663DCPRO kit, and while I was glossing over the reviews, something caught my eye and I thought the guy had a very good idea.

I'll just quote the section from his review here:

I wish it was location-aware so I didn't have to turn off the power manually when the car's in my garage. (only applies to the optional hard-wire kit installation.) Not a show-stopper, since it comes with a volt-meter to protect the car's battery. But still...it's just a waste when I forget. Until then...I put a sticky on the door leading into the house asking whether or not I remembered to turn it off and asking myself if I really want to film the interior of my garage for a couple hours. I'm thankful it beeps before switching to parking mode, which is usually enough to remind me.

This is a problem I expect to run into since I park in the garage every day.. I also work from home so there are times when my car doesn't leave the garage for 1-3 days at a time. But when I'm out running around, I want that parking mode working non-stop. It would be very convenient to be able to pull into the garage and have parking mode disable itself so it's not recording my garage wall for hours/days on end.

Optional location-aware parking mode would be a great feature. In existing camera models, it may be possible to add this feature through a simple software update if GPS is enabled. In future models, a wifi module could use nearby SSIDs for location awareness, as well as remote transfers

Just thought I'd share.
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See page 9 here

Did you read my post?

The whole point is not having to press buttons ;)
For my use i don't have a need for lengthy parking guard, so i will just use 30 - 60 minutes on the timer, and then change that to more if i should park for longer in a place where i feel it would be prudent to have parking guard going all the time.
BUT ! that long time parking in such a place don't happen more than 1-2 times a year for me, i stick to the hour or so which will cover all of my regular parking for shopping or other small stuff.

What is asked for could probably be done with the hardware, but then SG would have to throw all their engineers on to "smart" features instead of Image quality and general camera performance.
And i don't think SG would do that, but other brands are braking up trees like that, and more will come i am sure, probably SG too but i cant see that happening anytime soon.
@Street Guardian USA

I don't know if we're quite on the same page here. There's no need for a GPS database of any kind. Wherever user settings are currently being stored on the device, you can store a handful of saved coordinates as user settings as well. For example:

  "saved-locations": [
      "label": "Home",
      "position": [34.9343213, -40.3588011]
      "label": "Safe zone #2",
      "position": [28.3936688, -178.3033571]

Since GPS is enabled on the device at all times, you can use the haversine formula to compute the distance from your current location and your saved locations. So basically, when your vehicle tries to go into parking mode, it first checks to see if you're near one of your "safe zones", and if so, parking mode would disable itself automatically. The camera could beep/chime to make the driver aware that parking mode was shut off. This would of course be a completely optional feature.

Anyhow, I'll put this to rest from here. I just wanted to drop the idea on the table. I thought it would be a good feature. I've done work in this area, sorry for the technical mess
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I thought it would be a good feature.
Yeah it’s a great idea for sure. Some who love in apartment complexes or use street parking or whatever may still want it at home or at work, but for others (like me) it’s not necessary at all, and my vehicles can stay parked at home for a whole week or more, when it’s entirely unnecessary to run the battery down to the cutoff. I’ll just have to remember to manually power down the camera every time for now.