Look!!! BEFORE changing lanes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
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United States
Dash Cam
More than my wife thinks I need.
Just something I happened to catch behind me earlier today. :rolleyes:

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When I decide to pass a vehicle , I let the vehicle to my left pass and see if there is anything behind that. This in addition to the checking the blind spot. Seems almost like an impulse lane change.
I once did the same,,,,, on a motorway at 120 km/h or so, the other car was generous with its horn,,,,, and i felt really small and stupid. :oops:
I have also tried toe same, also on a motorway, where the car pulling out dident see that i was going 60 - 70 km/h above the speed limit ( flat out )
Fortunately my forward facing attention are better, so the moment the car in front of me shifted a few inches to the left i was on the brake and totally defused that situation.

In general trust no one in traffic.

I few kids was wounded and 1 killed in a night time solo accident here a few days ago, the new driver tried to avoid a rabbit on the road and lost control of his car.
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