Map speed as Kilometres


Active Member
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900X Plus-2CH, DR900S-2CH. (+ several previous)

The Blackvue Cloud viewer always seems to display speed in KPH, even though every other setting is at MPH.

Is this simply another failing of the app developers at Blackvue?
Despite telling Blackvue - several times - that everything at my end is set to MPH, they don't believe me! I take that as simply an excuse for their failings and inability to make their product work as it should.

Having provided proof they should acknowledge their error, and fix it - or find another job:mad:

Horrible company!

I had the same issue - everything set to MPH, but the live map would show KPH.

I did however notice that after a minute or so or watching the live tracker, the map would change itself to MPH instead.
But the next time you view it, it would be KPH again.
Yep, there's lots of little annoyances like this.

The computer software doesn't let you start/stop video with the spacebar. When you download a video clip and select a specific folder, it doesn't remember than for future clips and instead puts them in the default area.

The other day I found a section of the iOS app where some of the text was displayed in Korean, even though everything was set to English.

I wonder if some of this stuff occurs because they use things in kmph and don't fully test things out in other modes? Enough people have brought this up before that you'd think they'd fix it, but alas.
Well my experience with Korean cameras ( Lukas ) let me to think " i better spend my money elsewhere "
And i was lucky in that i did not have any serious problems with my LK7500 back then, but the feeling trying to get help was a major let down.

I think the Koreans just see the rest of the world as that annoying cousin at family dinners no one really wanted there.
I had the same issue - everything set to MPH, but the live map would show KPH.

I did however notice that after a minute or so or watching the live tracker, the map would change itself to MPH instead.
But the next time you view it, it would be KPH again.

Did you ever report it to BlackVue? I ask because they imply I'm the only person to ever have this issue!
Yep, there's lots of little annoyances like this.

The computer software doesn't let you start/stop video with the spacebar. When you download a video clip and select a specific folder, it doesn't remember than for future clips and instead puts them in the default area.

The other day I found a section of the iOS app where some of the text was displayed in Korean, even though everything was set to English.

I wonder if some of this stuff occurs because they use things in kmph and don't fully test things out in other modes? Enough people have brought this up before that you'd think they'd fix it, but alas.

I fully agree, far too many niggles that should have been sorted, especially when you remember these are amongst the most expensive cameras on the market. As it's said elsewhere, once they have your money they simply don't care.
No, it never bothered me enough to report it.
I've since sold my DR900X Plus and got a DR970X Plus, but it's not connected to GPS yet (separate issue ongoing) so I'm unable to check on latest model. I had both until a couple of days ago.
I know BlackVue updated their apps and Windows/Apple viewer versions a few days ago - which included changing the map view (at least on Android anyway).
Are you still having the issue?

Is your issue on Cloud live view? Or is it when viewing recorded content on a PC/Apple.

If viewing on a PC/Apple - then everything may be set to MPH on your camera, but the PC software still set to MPH somewhere?
No, it never bothered me enough to report it.
I've since sold my DR900X Plus and got a DR970X Plus, but it's not connected to GPS yet (separate issue ongoing) so I'm unable to check on latest model. I had both until a couple of days ago.
I know BlackVue updated their apps and Windows/Apple viewer versions a few days ago - which included changing the map view (at least on Android anyway).
Are you still having the issue?

Is your issue on Cloud live view? Or is it when viewing recorded content on a PC/Apple.

If viewing on a PC/Apple - then everything may be set to MPH on your camera, but the PC software still set to MPH somewhere?

Agreed it's not a major issue, but I'm of the mind that "features" should actually work, or why are they there. After all, we pay enough for these cameras.
Some of that money should go into proper development of supporting services, instead they simply want to bring out new cameras in the expectation users will dump what isn't working and pay again (more) for new stuff.

I've updated both the app and PC viewer over the last few days, so they're both up to date. I also updated the camera firmware, so everything is as current as possible.

In fact everything, app & PC viewer, is all set to MPH.

I'm convinced that Bv haven't a clue so look for any excuse to deter user complaints.
Possibly you missed the earlier posts, but every setting at my end is for MPH. The fault, not surprisingly, is with BV.

Latest problem with this rubbish can be seen...
Even though the video is on UK motorway the map shows a totally different country!

It's just 1 fault after another, I've never seen such rubbish!
One thing's for sure, BlackVue will never see another penny from me!


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