Merging - learn it

The issue I have with the intersection I posted is not the complexity, it's really a simple 'cloverleaf', but the traffic flow. The designers failed to consider that the exiting traffic had to reduce speed from 70mph to 25mph for the exit ramp while entering traffic had to increase speed from 25mph to 70mph in order to merge with the through traffic - and they are forced to do it in the same lane. The way it's designed the exiting traffic cannot move to the right until after the entering traffic has left their entrance ramp. Likewise the entering traffic must move left before the exit ramp as there is no continuation of the lane.

During peak traffic periods it's almost like bumper cars at an amusement park. :confused:

Exactly! Exiting traffic and entering traffic are forced to share the same lane, with the added complexity of a stop light immediately after the southbound off-ramp. The on-ramp to westbound from north is not a gradual merge either, so unless you're SURE there's a gap for you as you come around the circular on-ramp, you're basically forced to stop, then hit the gas hard when you do have a space. No shoulder along that section of road either.
I'll take your genius design over our idiot design any day.

At this intersection entering and exiting traffic share a lane in all four directions. :eek: Northbound traffic wanting to go west must move 1 lane to the right in order to get to the exit ramp. This same lane is used as the entrance ramp by eastbound traffic wanting to go north and must move 1 lane to the left in order to avoid the westbound exit ramp.

This 'cross merging' happens going north to west, south to east, east to north, and west to south. The irony is you have to deal with it twice, once when exiting the highway you started on and again when entering the highway you end up on. At night when it's raining it's terrifying if there's any traffic at all!

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I thought those road designs only existed in 2nd world countries! :eek:;)
Check out all of the tire skid marks leading up to the merge. Looks like people there really have a hard time with merging :D