Missing video


New Member
Jul 9, 2017
Reaction score
United States
My DR650S was recording normal video but switched to event mode when I hit a pothole, but when I went back and reviewed the video, it was missing a few seconds of video from the end of the normal clip to the beginning of the event clip. I was expecting to have an overlap between the clips since the event clip should rewind a few seconds on what it includes, but it appears that it lost some video from the end of the last normal clip.

Is this normal behavior for the 650S? I think it is a problem, because when I review the video it appears that I may have edited out some footage right before the event which could appear to be tampering with evidence.
potential loose connection causing momentary drop of power? (chances are that's probably not something that's even possible though)

have you tried a test clip of going for a drive, triggering event mode manually and seeing if the two clips do the same again?
potential loose connection causing momentary drop of power? (chances are that's probably not something that's even possible though)

have you tried a test clip of going for a drive, triggering event mode manually and seeing if the two clips do the same again?
Not yet, but that's a great idea and I'll report back on what happens.
