Mobius washed out video out doors


New Member
Mar 6, 2014
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United States
Hello, I'm having a problem with a brand new Mobius. It took great video indoors but outside and installed in my truck, the video is white, washed out, and unusable. Below is a sample of what I am seeing and my SYSCFG. I am configuring it on my Mac using the GUI as found on this forum. The firmware is 1.17.


Date time=[2014/03/06-13:50:05];date time setting,format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

Video Mode 1 resolution=[0];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p(Large AOV),1:1080p(Small AOV),2:720p(Large AOV),3:720p(Small AOV)
Video Mode 1 Frame Rate=[2];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p small AOV), 2:30fps
Video Mode 2 resolution=[3];Movie resolution setting,0:1080p(Large AOV),1:1080p(Small AOV),2:720p(Large AOV),3:720p(Small AOV)
Video Mode 2 Frame Rate=[1];Movie frame rate setting,1:60fps (only for 720p small AOV), 2:30fps

Photo Mode Capture Size=[0];set photo size,0:2304x1536,1:1920x1080,2:1280x720
Set Time Lapse Shooting=[0],0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:60s
Photo Flip=[1];set Photo rotate,0:off,1:flip on

Movie cycle time=[2];movie cycle time,0:3 minutes,1:5 minutes,2:10 minutes,3:15 minutes,4:max to 4G byte,
Movie Loop Recording=[0];set loop recording on or off,0:off,1:on,
Time stamp=[1];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie sound=[1];set movie sound,0:mute,1:on,
Movie Flip=[3];set movie rotate,0:both off,1:mode 1 on and mode 2 off,2:mode 1 off and mode 2 on,3:both on,
Movie quality=[1];set movie quality,set movie data rate,0:Super,1:Standard,2:Low,
Movie high dynamic range=[2];set movie high dynamic range,0:off,1:on,2:Enhanced Brightness.

Power on=[1];set system  power on time,0:delay,1:fast
Power off=[1];set system auto power off time when system pending,0:off,1:30 seconds,2:1 minutes,3:2 minutes,
Auto Record with External Power=[1];set connect with power to start video recording automatically,0:off,1:on,
One Power Button to Auto Record=[0];set press power key to start video recording automatically,0:off,1:on,
Auto Off with External Power disconnected=[0],0:Immediately,1:delay 10s;2:record to low battery power off,
LED=[1];set LED flicker when recording,0:off,1:on,
Charge from USB Host=[0]; when connecting with USB host, charge camera or not,0:on,1:off
Lens option =[1];select lens,0:lens A,1:lens B
Light frequency =[1];set light source frequency,0:50 HZ,1:60 HZ

TV out=[0];set Tv out,0:NTSC,1:PAL,
TV Display Ratio=[0];set display ratio,0:4*3,1:16*9

Motion Detect=[1];set motion detect,0:off,1:on
Motion Detect Timeout=[2];set motion detect timeout,0:5s,1:15s,2:30s,3:60s
Motion Detect Sensitivity=[1];set motion detect Sensitivity,0:high,1:nomal,2:low

White Balance=[0];Set White Balance,0:Auto,1:Sunny,2:Cloudy,3:Tungsten,4:Fluorescent,5:Custom WB1,6:Custom WB2,7:Custom WB3
Sunny(5000-6500K) used for sunny with clear sky(Rgain=301,Ggain=256,Bgain=368);
Cloudy(9000-10000K) used for shade or heavily overcast sky(Rgain=301,Ggain=256,Bgain=384);
Tungsten(2500-3500K) used for Tungsten bulb (or called Incandescent light)(Rgain=184,Ggain=256,Bgain=711);
Fluorescent(4000-5000K) used for fluorescent lamps(Rgain=333,Ggain=256,Bgain=525);
Customized White Balance 1 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 2 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 3 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Set red ,green,blue gain,256 is 1x gain,value from 100 to 999;

Color Effect=[0];Set Color Effect,0:Standard,1:Mono,2:Sepia,3:Cool,4:Cooler,5:Warm,6:Warmer,7:Vivid
Exposure Value= [0] ;Exposure compensation,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Contrast= [0]  ;Set Contrast,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Saturation= [0]  ;Set Image Saturation,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Sharpness= [0]  ;Set Image Sharpness,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,

{TLCAM MOV:TLCAM Mobius ActionCam 2014/02/14 v1.17}
Check to make sure you don't have the WDR setting at low light. You might also want to go with v.1.13 for now.
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Yes, disable the Low Light setting, as it's known to cause over-exposure in daylight. Will hopefully be fixed in the next Firmware update.
I didn't have great experience with v1.17 but after going back to v1.13 things are working fine. I too had some overexposure issues that were more than just the WDR low light setting.
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I've disabled Low Light and still have the problem. Frustrating as now I probably have to go out and buy a Class 4 card to replace my Class 10 card if downgrading the firmware to 1.13?
I've disabled Low Light and still have the problem. Frustrating as now I probably have to go out and buy a Class 4 card to replace my Class 10 card if downgrading the firmware to 1.13?

Hopefully not. People who have reported problems with Class 10 cards when using earlier Firmware probably represent a small minority of users.
I've disabled Low Light and still have the problem. Frustrating as now I probably have to go out and buy a Class 4 card to replace my Class 10 card if downgrading the firmware to 1.13?
I use SandDisk 32GB class 10's in both my Mobius' running v 1.13 with no problems. Never had a problem running class 10's in them with any firmware versions.
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Well, now it's not recording at all using 1.13. Great. I spent the money to upgrade from a K6000 and this thing is far more headache.

SYSCFG file below. Guess I'll try a Class 4 card now.

Date time=[2014/03/06-14:53:34];

Video Mode 1 resolution=[0];
Video Mode 1 Frame Rate=[2];
Video Mode 2 resolution=[3];
Video Mode 2 Frame Rate=[1];
Photo Mode Capture Size=[0];
Set Time Lapse Shooting=[0];
Photo Flip=[0];
Movie cycle time=[2];
Movie Loop Recording=[0];
Time stamp=[1];
Movie sound=[1];
Movie Flip=[0];
Movie quality=[1];
Movie high dynamic range=[0];
Power on=[1];
Power off=[1];
Auto Record with External Power=[1];
One Power Button to Auto Record=[0];
Auto Off with External Power disconnected=[1];
Charge from USB Host=[0];
Lens option=[1];
Light frequency=[1];
TV out=[0];
TV Display Ratio=[0];
Motion Detect=[1];
Motion Detect Timeout=[2];
Motion Detect Sensitivity=[1];
White Balance=[0];
Customized White Balance 1 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 2 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 3 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Color Effect=[0];
Exposure Value=[0];

{TLCAM MOV:TLCAM Mobius ActionCam 2013/12/25 v1.13}
I can now manually record using the 1.13 firmware, a Class 10 32gig micro SD card, and hitting the button manually. It it not recording when plugged into the truck and powered on with LEDs indicating so.

I am amazed at how much work I'm putting into this well recommended camera.
Could this be something to do with the 5 seconds or something the Mobius requires for power? Seen it mentioned somewhere
Changed out car plug power adapters and it worked! Albeit, upside down. Upgraded to 1.17 and hit the 180 buttons and all is well.

Is there a reputable car plug power adapter that will power this and one other USB device?
Daylight overexposure is a v1.17 issue relating to the new 'Low-Light' setting which wasn't fully tested before release.

Your problem has nothing to do with v1.13, & is possibly to do with your 8" extension.
Well, now it's not recording at all using 1.13. Great. I spent the money to upgrade from a K6000 and this thing is far more headache.

SYSCFG file below. Guess I'll try a Class 4 card now.

The Mobius is often considered a camera for "enthusiasts", so congratulations!'re now an enthusiast too!
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How can you be sure about that sweeping statement Russ?

You may want to rephrase that as I am not the only person to report this issue as DM mentions in the other thread I mentioned that he has had this as well and that was before FW 1.17 was even released.

Jim has a point. It's interesting that as great a camera as the Mobius is that there is such a variation is people's experience with different firmware versions, card choices, etc. Throw a another component or two into the mix like an extension or super -cap and who knows what to expect? I can't think of another dash cam or action cam where this happens but we sure do love our Mobius', don't we? As I said in my last post that's why we are called enthusiasts!
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Im afraid there seems to be someone on here where we seem to be on opposite sides of the fence . Whilst I try to report any problems with the Mobius to help improve it, they on the other hand spend so much time posting videos to compare the Mobius and how great it is that they come across as a biased 'Fanboy' and cant seem to take any criticism in a forum that comes the way of this camera.

View attachment 4122

Here's the exit, Im using it. Ive had enough.

Say it ain't so!
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