Mobius washed out video out doors

Sorry DM, you're great fun and help as is GJHS, but there is a sickly sweet fanboy that is just intolerable. I'm out.
I hoping that isn't me! I was just about to question the exposure settings, that seem to change the colors randomly and I have never upgraded to v1.17. So your point @Jim is valid, of course, something is buggy there. Your white out problems have been discussed on the RC Forum as well and is not new to v1.17.

I think you have taken the Mobius to new heights of experimenting and your wealth of knowledge is awesome. I'm sure it's just boiling your blood when the camera doesn't work. Hope you reconsider
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V1.13 was launched on 30th December. I didn't upgrade to it until a few weeks ago, & wouldn't have done so at all if there was a known issue with daylight overexposure.

I follow the threads here & at RC Groups, & Techmoan's blog. I don't recall posts about v1.13 being affected by overexposure issues, other than from Jim, & Dashmellow's observation ... 'I've had footage that looks just like that too but it is always when I switch the camera on and it goes away in a second or two once the camera decides to adjust the exposure'.

I was aware of the above two posters comments, but felt that 0.01% of owners reporting an issue isn't proof that an issue exists. If it existed there should be dozens / hundreds of posts complaining about it. Can anyone provide links to them?

If anyone believes that v1.13 causes daylight overexposure problems, then downgrade to v0.59

Yesterday, I removed the sd card to do the weekly file check. A waste of time, as always, but a reasonable safety check just to be sure Mobius is actually recording. Bright sunshine in some files, overcast in others. Exposure was fine, no issues to report. Which is not to say I'm thrilled with v1.13. I preferred the night-time video clarity I got with v0.53, but I haven't actually bothered to revert to it or v0.59, so I'll probably just wait until improved firmware arrives.

User experience of any device is a broad spectrum. In terms of Mobius. I'm at one end of the spectrum, among the vast majority of happy owners with no problems. People forget that this site is not representative of the typical owner. Only a tiny percentage of owners lurk or post here, & a disproportionately large percentage of posters are people with issues to resolve.

I'm one of the usually silent majority who normally don't post, but I do because I'm enthusiastic about a device that produces video quality that shouldn't be possible from such a small box at such a low price. But is!

Jim is at the extreme far end of the spectrum, among the small minority of unfortunates who have multiple problems. I admire his dogged determination not to be beaten by them.

I do not, however, think it's reasonable to take one or two similar reports of a problem & assert that it's proof of a problem that needs fixing by the Developer. I don't believe that v1.13 is responsible for Jim's overexposure issue. If he downgrades to v0.59 & the issue disappears then he may be right. If the problem persists then perhaps the 8" extension is the proximate cause?
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V1.13 was launched on 30th December. I didn't upgrade to it until a few weeks ago, & wouldn't have done so at all if there was a known issue with daylight overexposure.

I follow the threads here & at RC Groups, & Techmoan's blog. I don't recall posts about v1.13 being affected by overexposure issues, other than from Jim, & Dashmellow's observation ... 'I've had footage that looks just like that too but it is always when I switch the camera on and it goes away in a second or two once the camera decides to adjust the exposure'.

I was aware of the above two posters comments, but felt that 0.01% of owners reporting an issue isn't proof that an issue exists. If it existed there should be dozens / hundreds of posts complaining about it. Can anyone provide links to them?

If anyone believes that v1.13 causes daylight overexposure problems, then downgrade to v0.59

Yesterday, I removed the sd card to do the weekly file check. A waste of time, as always, but a reasonable safety check just to be sure Mobius is actually recording. Bright sunshine in some files, overcast in others. Exposure was fine, no issues to report. Which is not to say I'm thrilled with v1.13. I preferred the night-time video clarity I got with v0.53, but I haven't actually bothered to revert to it or v0.59, so I'll probably just wait until improved firmware arrives.

User experience of any device is a broad spectrum. In terms of Mobius. I'm at one end of the spectrum, among the vast majority of happy owners with no problems. People forget that this site is not representative of the typical owner. Only a tiny percentage of owners lurk or post here, & a disproportionately large percentage of posters are people with issues to resolve.

I'm one of the usually silent majority who normally don't post, but I do because I'm enthusiastic about a device that produces video quality that shouldn't be possible from such a small box at such a low price. But is!

Jim is at the extreme far end of the spectrum, among the small minority of unfortunates who have multiple problems. I admire his dogged determination not to be beaten by them.

I do not, however, think it's reasonable to take one or two similar reports of a problem & assert that it's proof of a problem that needs fixing by the Developer. I don't believe that v1.13 is responsible for Jim's overexposure issue. If he downgrades to v0.59 & the issue disappears then he may be right. If the problem persists then perhaps the 8" extension is the proximate cause?

Russ, I agree with many of the excellent points you've made in this post but I want to clarify that I didn't say and have never said that I had overexposure issues with v1.13. In post #4 of this thread, I said, "I didn't have great experience with v1.17 but after going back to v1.13 things are working fine. I too had some overexposure issues that were more than just the WDR low light setting." So the culprit for me was v1.17 which as I recall was acknowledged by Isoprop as being problematic but was put out quickly in an effort to resolve card compatibility issues. (Which, I've never experienced with any firmware, btw.)
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Russ, I agree with many of the excellent points you've made in this post but I want to clarify that I didn't say and have never said that I had overexposure issues with v1.13...

Apologies, I must have misread what you wrote. So, Jim may be alone in blaming v1.13 ... perhaps he's been confusing his issue with the daylight overexposure reports linked with v1.17?
Apologies, I must have misread what you wrote. So, Jim may be alone in blaming v1.13 ... perhaps he's been confusing his issue with the daylight overexposure reports linked with v1.17?

What's it matter.. he's gone :D :p
He may just have a faulty camera, it happens
Unfortunately that would be 3 cameras; one having the over exposure issue. The other two having start up issues. I have seen other overexposure reports before v1.17 just not a huge amount.

I myself, have been experiencing color shift in v1.13 that again I have read others are having, so it's real. Just because it's not a majority, doesn't mean it's not a problem. It has been said to defend the Mobius so let is be said to point to change. The majority of Mobius users don't post to forums. Jim pointed out a real problem with his camera whiting out randomly. Even if it is just with his and a few others, it's happening.

What pissed him off, as would anyone, is having this frustrating problem and being told somehow that he is wrong and it can't be happening because that firmware had no such problem and there aren't enough reports.
I feel very badly about Jim's frustration with his different camera set-ups and with the forum. As for the forum, as is so often the case in such venues it is easy for all of us to come off in ways that are unintended or misinterpreted or to perceive things differently or more harshly than they may have been expressed. I don't feel there was any malice or self righteous, holier than thou sentiment expressed here but I understand how Jim feels. DashCamTalk is without doubt the most courteous and friendly forum I participate in (or have ever participated in) and nothing here comes close to the inappropriate remarks I've witnessed or personally endured on other forums despite a little disagreement or friction here and there. (Although, I feel we could do without comments such as those in post #32 though, at the moment.) In any event, I hope Jim will reconsider his departure as his voice and input will be otherwise missed around here.

As for the Mobius camera, if there is one thing I've learned from all this, it is to go VERY slowly when one starts to introduce modifications. As a guy who just ordered a super-cap and lens extension (....and a whole new circuit board - but that's a story for another time) I am going to install only one component at a time and see what happens......and wait awhile. I don't know Jim's progression here but it seems as if there were too many variables going on at the same time which made troubleshooting the problems difficult or impossible. Between the super-cap, the extension cable, the lens module and the firmware, the 12 volt ignition power supply from a particular vehicle, etc., any one of these factors could be the culprit....or some unfortunate combination.

If I had to make a wild guess, I wonder if the problem is indeed with the lens extension cable? Perhaps a bad batch? Maybe a problem of excess resistance could cause the DSP to misinterpret signals coming from the lens module? I dunno...something like that. So like I've said, I think I'll start with just the super-cap and do nothing else for a period of time and then try the cable. Firmware will stay at v1.13 for now. Since it works well, it's a good place to start.
I feel very badly about Jim's frustration with his different camera set-ups and with the forum. As for the forum, as is so often the case in such venues it is easy for all of us to come off in ways that are unintended or misinterpreted or to perceive things differently or more harshly than they may have been expressed. I don't feel there was any malice or self righteous, holier than thou sentiment expressed here but I understand how Jim feels. DashCamTalk is without doubt the most courteous and friendly forum I participate in (or have ever participated in) and nothing here comes close to the inappropriate remarks I've witnessed or personally endured on other forums despite a little disagreement or friction here and there. (Although, I feel we could do without comments such as those in post #32 though, at the moment.) In any event, I hope Jim will reconsider his departure as his voice and input will be otherwise missed around here.

As for the Mobius camera, if there is one thing I've learned from all this, it is to go VERY slowly when one starts to introduce modifications. As a guy who just ordered a super-cap and lens extension (....and a whole new circuit board - but that's a story for another time) I am going to install only one component at a time and see what happens......and wait awhile. I don't know Jim's progression here but it seems as if there were too many variables going on at the same time which made troubleshooting the problems difficult or impossible. Between the super-cap, the extension cable, the lens module and the firmware, the 12 volt ignition power supply from a particular vehicle, etc., any one of these factors could be the culprit....or some unfortunate combination.

If I had to make a wild guess, I wonder if the problem is indeed with the lens extension cable? Perhaps a bad batch? Maybe a problem of excess resistance could cause the DSP to misinterpret signals coming from the lens module? I dunno...something like that. So like I've said, I think I'll start with just the super-cap and do nothing else for a period of time and then try the cable. Firmware will stay at v1.13 for now. Since it works well, it's a good place to start.
Well said Dashmellow. I think Jim added a lot to the forum and sure was braver than most of us. I think he should reach out to the seller/developer to get an answer or a replacement.

And Yes mean comments suck
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Well said Dashmellow. I think Jim added a lot to the forum and sure was braver than most of us. I think he should reach out to the seller/developer to get an answer or a replacement.

And Yes mean comments suck

Thanks, GJHS. The truth of the matter, at least for me, was that I thought at first that Jim was joking about leaving (hence some of my posts) and I was sorry to realize he wasn't. Like I've said, hope he'll be back.
As far as getting an answer from the developer, I hope we all get one....or several. The Mobius has had more than it's share of unusual and annoying glitches compared with other cameras but that is what you get when you try to keep pushing the envelope and continue to offer more firmware updates and tweaks than just about any other cam on the market. Again, that is why we Mobius devotes are "enthusiasts". As for replacing the cameras, I think once you start monkeying around with lens extension cables, super-capacitors and the like, you are on your own and the seller or developer is not and should not be responsible for anything that goes wrong.
Guys, not having any problems now. I have 20/15 vision in both eyes but admittedly don't pay much attention to the video/photography issues that others notice. I will say that it's discouraging on the software side to have the camera recording upside down out of the box in the normal configuration......
What pissed him off, as would anyone, is having this frustrating problem and being told somehow that he is wrong and it can't be happening because that firmware had no such problem and there aren't enough reports.

I think this problem starts at the top, I've seen it quoted a few times that if isoprop or tom frank can't replicate the problem then it's not a problem and the developer never hears about it, perhaps the volume of feedback is too great to deal with and check every single thing (I do understand that a lot of things they'd be hearing about from users could be user error rather than actual problems), if they are victims of their own success though then perhaps they need a bug tracker rather than trying to maintain it through multiple mediums, forums, email, different users etc
I agree Jokiin, the people helping improve this camera may be in over their heads. People start bickering about every detail and then arguing about if it's user error or a real problem. Add in the card problems and the v1.17 problems and it snowballs. Things have gotten so ridiculous at the Mobius RC support forum that up until today, Tom closed the thread with this message

Thread closed until I have something new of value to report.
Tom Frank;27682895 said:
The thread is still searchable. Use the advanced search method via the link in the header to find specific topic posts (also linked directly in post #1)
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GJHS, Maybe it's just me but copying content from another site that says "Thread Closed" and republishing it here in big bold lettering could make the casual reader think that this thread is closed without closer inspection. That was my reaction when my eyes first landed on this post before I had read it completely.
GJHS, Maybe it's just me but copying content from another site that says "Thread Closed" and republishing it here in big bold lettering could make the casual reader think that this thread is closed without closer inspection. That was my reaction when my eyes first landed on this post before I had read it completely.
Sorry for the confusion, I just copied and pasted it. I didn't realize the effect.
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Really? Is this sort of thing necessary GJHS?
Sorry I tend to be sarcastic and take everything light hearted. I should realize different people read things differently with different emotions. I have adjusted it and will be more careful
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Sorry I tend to be sarcastic and take everything light hearted. I should realize different people read things differently with different emotions. I have adjusted it and will be more careful

Thanks for editing your post and removing that graphic. My post about the "Thread Closed" thing was meant more as an observation rather than a criticism. My apologies too if it came off as such.