More GPS woes on HD 100


New Member
Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Further to this thread, my v1.4 simply won't download the Google Maps. It's been doing this since sometime in March. I'm using the latest (?) firmware, 2.3.

When I run my mouse over the GPS window, I get the error

to start, and this


on all following instances.

The referred files are both very big and quite complex.

As with my previous, this may well be a server problem, but:

The big question is, does anyone else have this problem? And, how can we tell Itronics about it as I for one don't speak Korean?

the Google Map API's expire, check you have the latest version of the player

Aaahh, how do we do this? If we assume Hoon Fart is right with the IE bit, is this an update to IE11? (I'm using IE11 on W7x64SP1.)

In any case, I'll do some digging, see what I can find.

Quick update: Not good. It seems Google update APIs for developers, it's not up to us clients to worry about. I found this on their page

The Google Maps JavaScript API supports the following web browsers:
Note: Internet Explorer's Compatibility View is not supported.

Supported browsers:

  • The current version of Microsoft Edge (Windows)
  • Internet Explorer 10 and 11 (Windows)
  • The current and previous version of Firefox (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
  • The current and previous version of Chrome (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
  • The current and previous version of Safari (Mac OS X)

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There seems to be, it's called iTronics BlackBox PC Player(v1.0.7)(13). The version for the 100HD has (11) instead of (13), but no indcation of any real difference. Unfortunately, they're both a disaster, the Restore down size is not resizable and it's too wide for my display. Also, it too has the Google Maps error.

I did try that version a few months ago (as well as last night) and I thought then that Itronics had some development work to do... I cannot recommend that version.
