More than one cloud-connect SSIDs


New Member
Dec 19, 2023
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Roseville, CA
United States
I am new to having a working BlackVue DR970X and want to connect my camera to more than one WiFi hotspot, depending on where I am. When I am home, I have a high-speed WiFi network with plenty of bandwidth and unlimited data. I have also a small VM that as long as the camera is on the network, it automatically syncs all the data from the camera to a large file server. When I am NOT at home, my car has its own WiFi network that relies on a cellular connection. That network is not as good, but it works outside the home. The unfortunate issue is that neither the iOS app nor the BlackVue Viewer for Windows allows you to make a connection to more than one WiFi system for cloud access at a time. I did find that when I had the SD card in my computer, in the "/BlackVue/Config/config.ini" file, in the bottom "[Cloud]" section, it appears that there is the ability to set up THREE different networks. While that would make things easy, it isn't because they "salt" the password. I think I found a workaround, but it was more convoluted. I originally set up "sta_ssid" with my vehicle's hotspot information. I then opened up the firmware settings in BlackVue Viewer and entered the password. I then reopened the config.ini file and copied the now salted password to "sta2_pw" and changed the "sta2_ssid" to the SSID of my vehicle's hotspot. I then changed the "sta_ssid" to my home netowrk's SSID. I then needed to open up the BlackVue Viewer to enter the password to my home network. I THINK all is now working but I'm thinking there has to be a better way than how I did it. Anyone else have any ideas?
I think they forgot to enable it. My 970x only has the 1 SSID but my 900s has 3 SSIDs in the same app.
I THINK I just realized WHY, but I’m hoping that what I’ve done actually works. I have had no reason to leave the house since setting this up and initially posting here but one of the changes in the 900 to the 970 is the addition of an LTE connection. I don’t need this, as my vehicle already has a system installed that is for more than JUST a camera. I have a 2022 Chrysler Pacifica Limited Hybrid that includes two built-in seat-back entertainment terminals, each with Amazon FireTV built-in. I have a data plan that covers that plus I can connect other devices (such as the dashcam) to its WiFi hotspot. They probably figured people would use the cameras built-in LTE radio when not at home. I don’t want to pay for yet another connected cellular device.
Yeah as far as I can tell, the ability to connect to more than one hotspot was removed between the DR900X Plus and the DR970X. Some other features have been removed as well such as the ability to individual control which voice announcements you get. Honestly it's really annoying and I wish that @BlackVue_Pittasoft gives us those options back.
Blackvue keeps removing features that made me start purchasing them over 7 years ago. Doesn't make any sense.

Can't adjust the size and fps of videos - we don't need 4k and 30fps. So much space can be saved with 720p and 10fps.

Can't do anything except 1 min clips now. Makes it 3x as hard to scroll through a days worth of videos to find the one we want. Not a deal breaker but it's annoying.

Can't control voice announcements.

And now we can't configure more than 1 hotspot without modifying this ini file.

Even with manually adding a second SSID the dashcam won't disconnect from the vehicle hotspot until it turns off. And the batteries in our hotspots will last for hours. They used to have a "garage hotspot" setting but they removed that a while ago.