Multisafer settings/wiring

Auld Reekie

Active Member
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Sorry if this has been asked before I couldn't find any similar topic on my model of car.

Hoping the postman brings tomorrow a shiny (well not too shiny) Street Guardian SGSC12RC and MS MotoPark BDP.

Before I fit it can I ask 3 more questions.

1: When Yellow wire No 3 (forum diagram) is connected to a permanently on (ignition key off) + power supply, Can red wire No 5 ACC+ be connected to the same fuse or does it need a separate permanently on fuse? I will be using Motion Detect.
My 2002 ford focus 1.8 tddi doesn't seem show a ACC fuse in its fusebox diagram.

I will be using add a fuse connectors as according to my fusebox all fuses are above 5 amps, I can put a 5 amp fuse in the connector or should it be lower?.

2: As the multisafer has a pushbutton should this be put somewhere easily accessible within the car?

3: What recommended cut off voltage would you guys normally recommend for UK conditions, I have a healthy battery about 1 yr old Yuasa Silver Car Battery 60Ah 620A, recommended type for my car.
5A is fine

1) yes if you plan to always use parking mode you can combine ACC/BAT wires to both be in BAT only

2) button is useless once you do step 1 above

3) I'd use the highest voltage option

If you want even more advanced BDP with a finer granularity of control check out the Vico-Power Plus