Need help off some friendly forum people to decide on my first dashcam


New Member
May 18, 2015
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Hey everyone,

I have been reading alot on the web and forums about different dashcams and also viewing sample video's, but now im at the point where i have 4 dashcams written down but need a hand on the decissionmaking :-)

I have several requirements that the dashcam must have/be good at :

1) Must have gps or option to buy a seperate gps
2) Looking for the dashcam that can capture license plates the best
3) Daytime video capture is most important since 90% off the driving is during the day

Being able to capture reaseble license plates is the most important feature. I live in Belgium if that matters for deciding which cam captures license plates the best.

The 4 dashcams i had in mind are :

1) Mini 0806
2) Panorama S
3) Panorama G
4) LS460W

For video's i copy pasted a link for each cam that i watched for video quality (panorama S) (panorama G) (mini 0806 below all the pics, the tour in france for example) (LS460W)

Regarding the panorama, i put the S and G seperately since im not sure if they deliver the exact same quality in video (i havent found any panorama S/G side by side comparisons). In the top dashcam list the panorama S was listed specificly as the one with the best video quality (altho i might misunderstood and they might have ment panorama S/G)

Regarding the LS460W, a little bit worried bout that one, the video quelity is very good but having read the forums it seems it suffers from lens focus issues, not working properly during hot days and seemingly very poor support from manufacturor.

Regarding the mini 0806 it seems you need to get Lucky to get a decent batch ? :-)

As for the micro sd (or sd in case of the panorama) ive read that if the card writing capability is to slow it causes lower quality video, but if the cards speed is to high it can also cause issues, so im a bit at a loss here which card to get :-)
Most common cards i can get here are : scandisk, samsung evo, kingston.
Also not quite qure which size to get 32 or 64 gb for enough room for continous recording option if i want to instead of loop, enough for lets say 8 hours of recording (if thats even possible for so long).

Thats pretty much everything i can think of at the moment that i would like help with (i hope my above "novel" isnt to long). I appreciate any advice about the above you can give me :-)

Thanks in advance :-)
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LS460W has a questionable lens, I don't know that it has been addressed yet, if you go for the 0806 I'd only suggest buying locally if possible as they can still be hit and miss, sending back to China for warranty is not easy, S and G are both reliable models
Of those 4, any of the panorama dashcams.
The models S and G should both be build with the Sony exmor IMX322 CMOS, which is a top of the line CMOS chip at this time, i allso think they share the same Zoran chipset, other more ppl with more knowlege of this can confirm this.

If you can make do with GPS info not in the actual footage the Street Guardian SG9665GC is allso a good bet.
I have allways preferred GPS info in the footage,but now that i have the SG9665GC i dont miss it there, i can allways start up Registrator viewer if i need to see the GPS info.

PS. if you want to compare head to head you are best off doing that with the RAW footage that some here provide of head to head tests, youtube tend to scramble the footage when ther servers handle it.
You actually replayed to all your questions ;)

Mini 0806 has a great potential, if all bugs will be sorted and as you mentioned - "depending on the batch".
If Dod has their lens changed, - then it is also the model to consider, however they dont tell which batch has which lens.
For Mini 0806 and Dod, if you decide to go with them, - buy locally as @jokiin mentioned, in order to have a local warranty and after-sales support.

Some minor differences between Panorama S and G:
G- has built in GPS module, but unfortunately it can not be disabled in case you dont want a speed to be displayed on footage. However it has few extra menu settings ( summer time offset, Mph, etc ).
With S you can buy external GPS module and plug / unplug whenever you like.
Both G and S has option to use a magnetic CPL-filter to reduce dashboard glare, which is good option for you as you mentioned mostly driving at day-time. Also they both use full size SD card, - they are cheaper than MicroSD and for some people are easier to handle.
About memory card capacity, - the bigger size - the longer it last due to less overwriting cycles. I have tested 128Gb on Panorama G and S, but if its too much for you, then 64Gb is golden middle choice.

You may also consider spending few days to read SG9665GC thread as @kamkar1 recommended, and see if that dashcam may catch your attention.

One more thing: Panorama series you can use them for 24/7 parking monitoring recording, has pre-buffer recording ( 5 sec. before "action" for motion- or g-sensor triggered ), but for that you need to buy a separate BDP ( battery discharge protection ) device.
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Most common cards i can get here are : scandisk, samsung evo, kingston.

Of the 3 brands of cards you mention I would recommend them in this order Samsung Evo, Kingston, Sandisk. And beware of potential fakes peddled by some on line sellers.
I have kingston - sandisk & lexar, and never experiensed anything bad, or that is both a lexar and kingston whent bad on me, but was effortless RMAed in no time.
Sandisk i have never had go wrong on me, but judging on statements from ppl i am as usioal the odd ball of the bunch.
Thanks for all the answers so far :-)

still have a few if you dont mind :-)

1) Concerning the panorama S and G I still have a question : do both S and G have the exact same quality of video/license plate reading ? Or is there a (small) difference between the 2 on that part?

2) If you had to rate the ability of capturing readible licence plates of all 4 of the cams which would come on top in your opinions ?

3) Concerning the cards writing speeds : writing speeds of 20 to 40 mbs are those to fast or just fine ?

24/7 parking recording sounds nice but euh, i guess it will be a big target for being stolen then P Cant see who stole it when its gone hehe :-)
Concerning the buying cams locally for the LS460W and the mini 0806 that wont be a problem, i already found a few shops. The panorama S and G on the other hand i havent found any shops so far, any suggestions ? :-)
Do you have a normal car?truck?van?
How much driving you do will determine the card size.
normal car, ill probably go for a 64 gb, but not sure which speed i should get. Dont want to get any problems caused by a card thats to fast (or to slow) :-)
normal car, ill probably go for a 64 gb, but not sure which speed i should get. Dont want to get any problems caused by a card thats to fast (or to slow) :-)
Too fast card is no problem. Problem is if its too slow, cheap built, or fake. I do also provide set with 64Gb proven-tested sdxc if needed.