Need Help.. Tried RX300 & DR550GW-2CH and still not satisfied


New Member
Mar 4, 2014
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United States
Hi Everyone. I'm looking for a good quality dash cam.

The RX300 is pretty good but I got a DOA. The mini-usb is loose and it seemed the foxoffer sent me a used unit since the LCD has a scratch. I'm in the process of returning it for a refund.

So... I decided to try out the 2ch DR550GW which has everything I wanted. Wifi + 2 cameras.

My only issue is that the quality of the video recording is not good compared to what I saw from Blackvue website. After reading a few users reported this as well. I read that new custom firmware is in the works to increased the bitrate. Will this improve the video quality?

I bought the DR550GW-2CH for $400 and now i'm feeling buyers remorse. I can send it back for a full refund but I'm debating if I should wait for this custom firmware which has no ETA release.

Does anyone know a better dash system similar to the DR550GW-2CH or should I just get (2) seperate dash cam? Your advice is greatly appreciated.
thank you, I was looking into the Vico-Marcus 5 but wont be out until may.
Get rid of the Blackvue while you have the chance and buy a cheapie in the interim, you'll still be better off
Calling the BlackVue a massive hunk of **** is being polite.

Send it back.
Once you compare the video from cheap camera to overpriced one you will see that there is really nothing special about Blackvue. Techoman tried it and now uses a cheaper camera instead of Blackvue DR500GW.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk