New Cam: Red Light, Nothing Else - Help!


New Member
Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
Is my camera a brick? \o/

- Bought a new GS1000 from AliExpress (E-Prance, Ambaralla, etc.)
- Inserted MicroSC card; mounted to my windshield, connected using the supplied 12v power supply)
- Changed language to English (wow, is the user manual ever lacking)

The cam appeared to be working after this. I had planned to connect the device to my computer later and join the discussion here to learn how to use it. But something went terribly wrong somewhere. The device shut down after about a day of operation. None of the buttons seem to work. I get only a red indicator light (solid/not flashing) when it is connected to a power supply. I connected the device to my computer, but nothing was recognized.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
Have You changed firmware, flashing etc?

If no probably "RESET" button will help :)

Check it, and tell us if Your camera working fine :)
In theory it's quite simple, there is something you can do but if that doesn't help camera is probably broken.
This is what i would do.
Check in computer that memorycard is working.
Press camera reset button, is it working.
Put power on until battery runs out and camera shuts down, will it work after that.
If camera don't go to computer mode it is very difficult reflash firmware.
Contact seller and try to replace camera.
Thanks. I haven't changed the firmware or anything like that. When I press the reset button (lower right) nothing happens.

Might I need to press some other button in conjunction with the reset button?

The "owners manual" contains a diagram that seems to suggest some of the buttons are multi-function but I see no other operating instructions / elaboration.

Again, thanks.
@Sabe - Thanks to you, too. I'll work with your suggestion and report tomorrow. At work right now...
There is only one place where you can try multi buttons, and it is when you connect camera to computer and set it so called USB mode, it is used only when using directusb program.
Look at this section and try with your camera will they work
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Sabe said:
There is only one place where you can try multi buttons, and it is when you connect camera to computer and set it so called USB mode, it is used only when using directusb program.
Look at this section and try with your camera will they work

This method help me with my bricked cam. Working 100% fine with Texet 3.29.
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Hey! Suddenly, the reset button worked! Maybe I wasn't doing it right. ?/?/?

In any case, thank y'all very much again. :-)
jkbowman said:
Hey! Suddenly, the reset button worked! Maybe I wasn't doing it right. ?/?/?

In any case, thank y'all very much again. :-)

Must be easter miracle :D
jkbowman said:
Hey! Suddenly, the reset button worked! Maybe I wasn't doing it right. ?/?/?

In any case, thank y'all very much again. :-)

Np, I told You that first help is always 'reset' button :)