New SG9665GC V2 has Hot Pixels


New Member
Aug 12, 2016
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United States
Only had this dash cam for a couple weeks and it has a lot of hot pixels. It also seems like the picture is a bit blurry all the time but I'm not sure if that's because of the lack of a CPL. I have one of those on the way so I'll see if that helps the image. I would like the pixel calibration software to fix the hot pixels though.


None of the circled pixels are stars. I made sure of that.
I'll private message you the calibration instructions.

The challenge with calibration is when we do them in the factory on a brand new sensor sometimes not every bright pixel shows up in such a short time. (And re-doing it later helps the second time for the occasional one that needs it)
Wow, you guys are fast. I'll do the calibration and get back to you with the results.
I haven't done any night time driving yet but after calibration I noticed that all the hot pixels are now gone. I've driven in some tunnels that would have shown them before so I think it's safe to say that did the trick! Thanks.

As for the blurry video quality that seems to have cleared up considerably after I got the CPL and cleaned the inside of my windscreen really well. If I notice it getting blurry again I'll create another thread for that.
Greetings all!

I have 2 of the SG9665C V2 cameras. I ordered them via in February 2016 and noticed this exact issue with both of my cameras. At first I thought there were dust particles on my lense but after cleaning and only noticing the white dots (now I know they are dead pixels) during night time driving I just figured it was a flaw with my cameras. However after seeing this post, I'd like to request the recalibration process in an attempt to correct this issue on my cameras.

I can provide my order information if necessary. I'd like to request a PM with the steps to take to attempt to fix the dead/hot pixels I've been experiencing.

Thank you!
PM sent with instructions

You sir, are a saint! Thank you for the remarkably prompt response. I'll try it out and remain optimistic that the procedure will help. These two cameras have been great so far, it would be terrific if this procedure rectifies a minor flaw I've dealt with for so long and ends up making these cameras pretty much perfect for my needs.

Kudos to you!
I have new SG9665GC V2 and hot pixels, can you send me these magic instructions? (Die to jpg compression there is one, but pixels is about 7)


  • 2016_0918_013343_048[(000093)01-46-58].JPG
    42.7 KB · Views: 8
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Hey @jokiin and @Street Guardian USA could you post the instructions somewhere? Or is the procedure secret?
Why do you always respond with PM? This should be a sticky or in FAQ somewhere.
Hey @jokiin and @Street Guardian USA could you post the instructions somewhere? Or is the procedure secret?
Why do you always respond with PM? This should be a sticky or in FAQ somewhere.
it's not so much that it's a secret but you can make things worse so it's important to make sure people understand what they're doing and if they really need to do it
Before the camera failed on me completely (A Pier28 replacement) and I bought a new one, mine had one that would not go away no matter how many times I ran the calibration routine.
How does that happen? Im curious.
Calibration doesn't fix the pixels it just masks them so that you can't see it, all CMOS sensors have them
OK but that doesnt explain why one wouldn't go away...
They never go away, they are just mapped to know where they are to be able to mask them, the process to do them yourself is not foolproof but will work most of the time, it can be automated and that works best for hiding the bright pixels but we found it degraded the picture, we'll give that a go again if the automated process improves but right now the current method isn't acceptable
Could you please PM me those instructions as well? I just purchased it and have a ton of white and red pixels on mine and the image is absolutely terrible at any speed above a crawl. I've emailed Pier 28 via amazon's in-service system but no response. Anything you can do to help would be wonderful.