Nextbase Duo HD - dead in a few months!


New Member
Feb 21, 2018
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United Kingdom
Bought a Duo HD a few months ago - everything fine, until today. Every time I start the car and the dashcam tries to record, this happens.


The entire thing is frozen - I have to press the reset button.

It's wired in with a Nextbase hardwire kit. But I've connected it to my laptop via USB, and the dashcam works perfectly, until I try to record video on it, then the same thing happens. It also happens if it's powered just by the internal battery.

I'm using a Samsung EVO Plus U1 (32GB), which has performed perfectly until today. The same card works fine in my laptop.

I've swapped the card for a 32GB Sandisk Ultra class 10, and the exact same fault happens.

I've also reinstalled the latest firmware - this has not helped.

I'm confident that the dashcam itself is the problem. I really expected better for the best part of two hundred quid!!

Have emailed Nextbase and I'm hoping I can get this replaced under warranty. But should I just ditch Nextbase completely and get something else? I had a 720p Duo before this (see another thread) and it was lousy.

Extremely disappointed that you can spend all that money on something you need to be able to rely on, and you apparently can't.

[edit] Does @NextBase Tiffany normally help with this stuff?

[edit again] Just checked on Amazon and apparently I've had it since 24th February 2018, so... four and a half months?
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Hoping so.... and hoping it'll be quick. Driving without a dashcam I feel horribly exposed. :/
Take it to the retailer you got it from, see if they will exchange it.
@whelk8891 I'm so sorry to see that, there is no troubleshooting to do in this case unfortunately.

I would recommend removing from the car if leaving in direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time, recently with the excessive temperatures, admittedly unusual for us, inside the car is has exceeded 65 degrees C on many occasions.

Amazon will be able to exchange, if you have any issues with that let me know. I will check to see if we've replied to you yet, if not I'll re confirm this there.
Thanks- bought it via Amazon from a seller called iZilla, and according to my Amazon order page, the "Return window closed on 26th March 2018".

Doesn't really seem to be in line with the Consumer Rights Act... this is going to be hell. :/
Received a reply from Nextbase support. Apparently they don't recommend using Samsung MicroSD cards (instruction manual makes no mention of that!). Now googling the subject and apparently I should use a "branded" card (is Samsung not a brand?), and should avoid SanDisk as well. Not really sure how we're defining "branded".

If there's a specific brand/type of card that I need to use with this thing, then perhaps it should have come with one.
Doesn't really seem to be in line with the Consumer Rights Act... this is going to be hell. :/

That isn't the case, rest assured you can still return. I will arrange for them to contact you directly.

Samsung is a brand yes along with SanDisk, some have used Samsung cards with no problems. Others have had limited rewrite cycles and need to be replaced sooner.

We test on and recommend the SanDisk SD cards. I'll carry this conversation on email instead as we're having two.

In short you will get a return/exchange and we can sort the SD card problem out.
Just an update for everyone. Seems my cynicism was unfounded.

Because the order was sold by iZilla but fulfilled by Amazon, iZilla asked me to get in touch with Amazon directly. It wasn't immediately obvious to me how to do this (I suffer badly with social anxiety and the only way I'd use the phone is if the house was on fire, and even then the flames would have to be licking up the bedroom door), so I went on Live Chat. A lady there called Leanne suggested that I should speak to Nextbase for support, and I explained that I already had and they said it was buggered, or words to that effect. After that, she told me that because it was only fulfilled by Amazon, they couldn't simply exchange it as I'd wanted. She sorted a return label out and promised a refund upon receipt.

In the meantime I've ordered a new Duo HD, and @NextBase Tiffany has gone above and beyond to address the potential memory card issue, and that's sorted as well, even though I'm not sure it was anything to do with the problem... though clearly it might have been in the long-term.

Big thanks to everyone.
£174.95 for a Nextbase Duo on 16th February 2016.
So only 2 and a half years old. Battery has died and screen has started freezing. Just not good enough for that kind of money.
Not sure what to buy next, but it won't be Nextbase.
I can understand this would be frustrating @StiggySawdust have you contacted our support team? The freezing is usually solvable remotely as it can be caused by SD cards.

I'd recommend charging the Dash Cam inside the house for 2 hours, then monitoring how long it lasts.
I can understand this would be frustrating @StiggySawdust have you contacted our support team? The freezing is usually solvable remotely as it can be caused by SD cards.

I'd recommend charging the Dash Cam inside the house for 2 hours, then monitoring how long it lasts.

Thank you for your reply.
It's the same SD card that I have been using all along.
I have charged it in house and the battery still only lasts a minute or so.
I have ordered replacement battery, maybe that will solve the problems?
Meanwhile, I have ordered another dashcam (different make) as I feel vulnerable without one and don't feel I can trust the Duo at present.
If you've had the same SD card in from the beginning then it will likely need replacing.

They don't last forever.

Have you ordered the battery from us? The Dash Cam will still work with a new SD card in the mean time.
I didn't realise I could order a battery from you. How much are they and how do I order.?
They're £10 with next day delivery, majority of the cost is for courier though: we can't post Li-Po battery packs disconnected from the device with Royal Mail.
Ok, so I ordered and paid for a battery on Monday supposedly with next day delivery but now its Thursday evening and no sign of a battery.
I also emailed the address on the invoice but have not had a reply.
What is happening.
Not at all impressed.
Hi, a bit late to the party. I have the nextbase duo, 1 year and a week old, it started freezing, kept repeating 'low battery' and telling em to get a class 10 SD card. It was a SanDisk, and nextbase support were good, and let me off with it being a week out of warranty and repaired it as a goodwill gesture. Great! However, as it was good will, they said I would not get warranty with the repair and thats it. Low and behold, less than 6 months later, a new car, and new SD card as suggested by Nextbase. The issue is back again. And now, nowhere to turn. This has put me off branded devices, for the £180 for 18 months and 2 cameras, I may as well pay £30 even if it's every 3 months, I'd be no worse off.