Nextbase in Ireland

Liam C

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Reaction score
The battery in my Nextbase 522GW needs to be replaced. I bought the dashcam in Halfords, Dublin, Ireland. Unfortunately they don't service dash cams.
Contact ongoing with Nextbase Support in UK since early June. Finally, after many emails & calls, they advised I ship the dashcam to them for battery replacement. All packaged up, I brought the unit to my local Post Office.
Alas, Post Office refused to accept / ship the dash cam as it contains a battery. Two shipping companies informed me of the same. They will not accept products containing batteries to be shipped from Ireland to UK.

Hence, a very frustrating conversation with Nextbase UK: "It can be repaired".
Me: 'Not so, if I can't ship it to you'

The very frustrating phone conversation lasted 20 minutes during which I was told repeatedly that it 'can be repaired'. There is only so many times I could hear that mantra repeated. Thus, I would advise any motorist contemplating purchasing a Nextbase in Ireland be advised.......battery replacement will be required ......."it can be done"..........but getting the dashcam to Nextbase is a significant challenge. You may have to replace the battery on more than one occasion........all worthy of consideration before you make your purchase.
'can be repaired'
In that case there must be a manufacturing fault, otherwise it couldn't be "repaired"!

If there is a manufacturing fault then under EU law, you can have it replaced, or a refund, within, is it 4 years of purchase? If it is still within the time limit then I suggest that the postage is their problem, and if they can't solve that problem then it is refund time...

I'm in UK, so not certain about the details of the EU law, but I think you would have a good case if you wanted to take it further.

They really shouldn't be putting lithium batteries in their cameras when they are known to fail at only 1 to 2 years old. Other manufacturers use supercapacitors instead, and don't have these "problems" / "expensive repair requirements" / "money making..."!
