non-emergency ambulance


New Member
Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
LK10BWX Bad Driving

This is how a non-emergency ambulance driver behaves.

I was traveling at the speed limit for my van.

No blue lights or sirens.

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Not forgetting, he went over the double white lines & into the ghost island that is there for oncoming traffic to turn right.

Hope you reported him - if he was on a shout then the blues should've been activated - and they generally give a blast on the horn to make you aware that they are there.
The fact that he doesn't speed away from you after cutting you up also indicates that he wasn't on a shouyt.
There are a few ambulance drivers out there who think that traffic rules do not apply to them.
And no, i never observed such at firefighter's vehicles.

But thats a bit like our nice police lobby. they oppose turning the gps logging and front camera on systematically on patrol cars.
Because this would imply the assumption that there were officers not behaving correctly.
I contacted nhs trusts from London, up the east coast to Linconshire.

All disclaimed that the vehicle didn't belong to them.
theoldfart said:
I contacted nhs trusts from London, up the east coast to Linconshire.

All disclaimed that the vehicle didn't belong to them.

Complain to the NHS directly

Explain that you have tried to complain to various trusts but none will take ownership of this ambulance & you feel that this is unacceptable.