Number one feature for my next dashcam... FULL SIZE SD CARD!!!


Jul 10, 2016
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United States
Alternative title for this post: who makes a micro SD card with a lanyard?

I'm way to hot and angry at myself right now after spending the past hour under my dashboard trying for find the !@#$ing micro SD card I just dropped to post anything more rational right now. You know darned well that given the lifecycle of technology today you're going to need to have your kids pull the next generation card in and out because it's going to be too small for anybody over 40 to be able to see anymore.

I'm going to wait 'till the sun goes down and it cools off out there for a bit before I pull the seat and carpets out of the car. Man am I angry right now.
Welcome to the micro SD launchers club, it is not more than a few weeks ago i launched a 256GB memory card in my car,,,, at night.
So after searching my car in the light of the phone, i went and got my portable sun ( pretty darn strong flashlight in the order of 2 high beams ) and then i went to look again, and found the card in under 5 minutes.

This is the #3 time i launch. last time before that was a 64Gb card, but at the time the most expensive card i have ever gotten, and i spent 45 minutes on my hands and knees as it launched out of a open door.
And into the gravel that are in the back yard ( pea sized stone ) kneeling on something like that was a favorite method of torture by the Japanese as it bring you intense pain but dont really kill you.
TBH i gave up on that one, got into my car, looked down one last time and saw the card right there where i had already looked like umpteen times while on my knees.

A popular trick are to fit a tape tab to your micro card, so you always have something to grab

you can also glue a little piece of thin braided fishing line and so have that lanyard you can wrap around your finger before depressing that spring loaded SOB.
It just have to be something fairly thin as after all there are not too much room in such a SD card slot.

The 256 Gb card i launched, it was just a week old or something at the time, and even if it was very cheap compared to what i have paid for memory cards before, then it still suck immense when you launch it.
BTW you have automatic been assigned member number 371 in TMCLC "The Memory Card Launcher Club"
For inaccessible areas first try a loose-weave cloth taped onto the end of a vacuum cleaner wand. Sometimes with luck that can get it. My main wish for full-sized cards was cost and capacity, but I don't know if those are valid points anymore, and besides today's devices sometimes don't have full-sized card slots anymore :(

If you haven't launched or fumbled an SD card from your dashcam, you're either a noob or a pro, and most of us fall in between those extremes :rolleyes:

Yeah :)

I taught i had it down by now, with no launch in years ( well not in the car anyway, in front of the computer i also launch a memory card now and then out of a action camera )
So my launch last week killed that XXX days since last launch spree.
At least if they made one with a hole in it, you could attach a "remove before flight" streamer or something. USB thumb drives come with so many different variations, you could tie it off to a bumper hitch if you wanted.

I did find this guy who seems to have an excellent solution, if only the card protruded from the camera slightly

  • b1c590e220f0cd209c751afb492ee20e_preview_featured.JPG
We have had many a discussion in here over the years on this matter, but nothing seem to change much.
People are still having premature memory launch now and then.
But a full sized memory card you are going to wait long for, i think even the Koreans have dropped that ( some Lukas models had both a micro and regular SD slot, not for choice as i recall you still had to use both of them )
One for regular video and the other one for event video as i recall.
My Lukas LK-7500 back in the day also had a regular SD card, but nowadays i dont think that exist in new / worthwhile cameras.
I have for many years been touting for in camera solid state memory like a M2 drive or a SSD, which you could then do automated backups from using a thumb drive.
But so far i have just seen 1 camera with that option, but not worthwhile more sort of a semipro model and not with super IQ
You know once you attach the removal tab to the card, you no longer need to push in to eject and risk losing the card to an unintended flight. The card is held in only by friction, not a lock, so if you just pull on the tab it comes out nice and easy. To insert just push in until flush, no need to click. I've been doing this for at least the past 5 years and have had no more dropped cards.

Up until recently, I used RoadHawk HD2 cameras, which are the only ones that I'm aware of that have full-sized SD cards. I have 26 64GB SD cards for my RoadHawks, I needed that number of SD cards because I keep all footage and when on holiday (vacation) I like to swap SD cards on a daily basis and then when home, copy all of the SD cards to a hard drive.

In my experience, RoadHawk dashcams are not very reliable so I had been looking for a replacement that can take full-sized SD cards so that I can keep using my library. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any other dashcam that can take full-sized SD card so, in November 2019, I bought a Viofo A119 V3 and a few micro SD cards.

As for flying micro SD cards, the trick that I've found with the A119 is to slide the whole unit off from the GPS module, take it indoors (home or office), and remove the micro SD card from the dashcam when sitting at your desk. Occasionally the micro SD card will still launch itself but it's rare and even if it does then you're normally looking directly at the micro SD card slot so the micro SD card will usually launch straight at you as opposed to some out of the way place in your vehicle.

P.S. I suppose now that somebody will tell me about other makes of dashcams that take full-sized SD cards. :)

It varies, but I usually take the whole cam inside too so I can clean the lens if needed and give it a close inspection for signs of problems. If I don't do this then I immediately put the micro SD card into an adapter sleeve on removal, as I've dropped more than I've launched and the larger size is much easier to recover :cool: With some cams pushing the limits of common card performance already I do hope we will; see something better soon but don't count on that: dashcams have always lagged in their technology :(

Same here, the full dashcam comes indoors and I offload the footage leaving the card loaded.
I've had one SD card fly out of the SG9665GC and was found months later. Not an issue with newer models that have a slight scoop in the plastic.

If you push it in to eject and let go, it will fly. Keep your finger on the card.
So far I have lost only one 32GB micro SD in my car. It's still in the car but nowhere I can see.
Lukas had full size SD card 5 years ago.
Here's my review in 2015.
I dont think they do anymore, at least the QR790-S say it is just micro SD but 2 of them, and the K-900QD say SD card in the specs but i do think it is a micro SD card, same go fir the AR790-S

As always they support a poo load of gadgetry, like vibrators ( not the ones you insert ) additional screens, touch screen, OBD as in the old days,,,,, ASO ASO
They and all others still do not support Galileo GPS, which i as a Euro boy have paid for would like to have / use.
I have no idea what Galileo GPS is, but I came across it in Garmin when I researching:
@Sunny It's probably in the defroster duct, and accessing the lower ends of that where it likely is now is almost always a major undertaking :eek:

Which reminds me to say that you should lay a towel on the dash to cover the vents when you play with the cards in a mounted cam in case your luck is as bad as mine :rolleyes:
