Pano II problems

The lens is focused incorrectly. It needs to be screwed in by 1/8 to 1/4 turns. As it is now objects right in front of the camera are sharp like dashboard and windscreen seal but further than a few feet they're not, lens must be a little bit closer to the sensor, then you'll have objects in front of the car sharp and proper. Best to adjust the focus so that objects 20-50 ft away come out with most detail. Further than 50 ft detail isn't so important.
Are the lenses adjustable? I did not see anything in the instructions and the lens does not seem to move if I gently try turning it. Thanks
Lens is usually glued to the holder so "officially" it's not adjustable. In most cases though glue can be stripped and adjustment done by the user if he's so inclined. If the cam is under warranty maybe it would be better to send it for repairs with fault description in my previous post.
I am waiting on the vendor now to see if they are going to replace the camera. Thanks for the help.
I was always doing additional focus himself on blackvue 400, 500, 550, Panorama S.
Quality is significantly improved in all cases.