Panorama 2 GPS Mounting Location?


New Member
Jun 11, 2014
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Hi there I just ordered a Panorama 2 camera with gps. And I was wondering if anybody has any pictures of where they mounted the gps unit on this dashcam. Thanks
I don't have photos of it installed at the moment, but FYI there is a new compact SGM-1328 GPS that is slightly smaller and slimmer. I only have two left of the big one and will be updating my amazon listing with the new smaller version photos soon.

15mm antenna vs 25mm (but I'm told the quality should be the same)


somewhere nearby will work fine, as long as the camera's view isn't interupted
Thanks but didn't see one with external gps on there.

I've installed 3 of them now, on all 3 the GPS receiver is near the camera and extra cable is hidden in the roof liner. I'm starting to rethink the use of GPS though, I'll leave the module installed but I'll keep it unplugged most of the time.
out of curiosity. why?

Because other than the auto clock setting I can't think of any other positives of embedded GPS. Lots of negatives though. See my comment in the thread below.

Kid gets hit by a car crossing the street. (Partial Backpack Protection at least)

Edit: I should add if the GPS was not embedded I would prefer it, but I speed a bit (don't most of us) so I don't want my own GPS data to be a deciding factor in liability. Granted the car has a GPS too, but there would be more to get its data admissible in court then a speed clearly printed on the bottom of the video. Related to that video above in court, "the child ran into the road, but you were speeding".
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You could used to get out of speeding tickets if the equipment hadn't been calibrated correctly recently - I'm not sure how this would go down in court as evidence as in theory they'd have to be able to back up that you were doing the speed indicated- either to protect you or to incriminate you.
You could used to get out of speeding tickets if the equipment hadn't been calibrated correctly recently - I'm not sure how this would go down in court as evidence as in theory they'd have to be able to back up that you were doing the speed indicated- either to protect you or to incriminate you.

It's highly doubtful the cameras GPS could be used for that because as you mentioned, the calibration could be questioned, also GPS interference can affect accuracy. While it might not be admissible, if it was on the video and the judge told the jury to ignore the speed on the bottom do you think they're going to?
The best use I've found for the GPS is in Registrator Viewer you can click on the map to find the location you want to look at. Say you had a near miss or witnessed something interesting on Oxford St, instead of clicking through the video you can just click on the part of Oxford St you want and voila! you're there where the action is.
I did request that the hard coded OSD (on screen display) be a user select-able on/off option in the menu. The current R&D cycle is closed though so no ETA on when the next firmware will be released. This would allow you to turn off OSD, but GPS data would still be available via RegistratorViewer. RV also lets you re-add the OSD in any location and font of your choosing when you export a clip. (and will embed the GPS data into the new video file)
I did request that the hard coded OSD (on screen display) be a user select-able on/off option in the menu. The current R&D cycle is closed though so no ETA on when the next firmware will be released. This would allow you to turn off OSD, but GPS data would still be available via RegistratorViewer. RV also lets you re-add the OSD in any location and font of your choosing when you export a clip. (and will embed the GPS data into the new video file)

That would be a great feature. The last thing I would want would be a cop on scene seizing the camera or SDCard with the GPS data on it.
IMO GPS data can be helpful in proving that you weren't "there" when the potential offence occurred. It would've helped me a couple of years ago, when I got a speeding ticked, when I wasn't there at the time the notice stated. Was I speeding? I doubt it, but cannot prove it, or even show reasonable ( GPS data ) doubt. It didn't help that the actual ticket arrived about 1 month after I drove over that road on the day the potential offence occurred.
I asked both sungmoon as niko for possibility of recording the GPS data (and speed), but not showing the speed in the image.
they said it's not possible, see also this post
but is Roadcam now saying it might become available soon!? that would be awesome!