Panorama 2s License Plate Challenge

Smoke Pants

Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
Washington, DC
United States
Can anyone get a complete plate number from this white Infinity sedan? 8_F9611. I'm looking for the little number right on top of the little 'F.'

Here is a picture of the car and a download link for the raw video:!7NIGDDKT!4sVpaM8PGWtk5TRBnxxan0wpNFRqHd3goydJ4jAEZHA

Thank you ahead of time for your help. By the way, this is at 18mbps bit rate. I continue to be disappointed with this dash cam. I have some regret over buying it. Thanks guys.

2014_09_11_License plate challenge.jpg
I see a green/brown tint. Do you have the CPL filter on? You will loose some PQ definition with it attached.
If not, does your windshield contain any built in anti reflective coating or metal particles?
Your video is not as clear as it should be based on my long term experience with the Panorama II, S, & G. (but the CPL attached would explain it)

That's some reckless driving there by the way wow.
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I have a sneaky feeling CPL is on, or somthing else i know nothing off as its not legal to do anything to the windscreen here.

I had to DL the raw file too to see that reckless driving, after my junkfood run i will have a look at it.

EDIT: Jesus christ what a idiot :eek: was supriced to not see cop cars passing by shortly after.
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Yes, I have kept the CPL filter attached the whole time, to help with reflections. I didn't think it would cause loss of detail but now I know. I guess that's the trade off.

Thanks for the heads up guys!
@Smoke Pants ,

so based on what you know now, will you keep the polarizing filter on or will you remove it? Just curious.
I'll remove it and see if that makes a difference when I eventually get clipped by a driver like that.

I use cameras a lot for my work as a private investigator, and I've never found filters on the end of a lens to be helpful.
i welcome your feedback. i use DSLRs and video cameras daily and dont use filters on those as they reduce quality, however being new to the dashcam market, i picked up one to use with the front mounted cam i use. i will experiment with it off and test myself.
not easy to get a decent result from such a small section, would really need to see some other plates of the same type to compare

I dont use my CPL filter, okay i get some reflections on my footage, but never so much that it ruin the possibillety to see a licenceplate.

But i can live with that as i dont make journey footage, if i did that i would use a better device for recording and place it where it dont have to fight reflections.

I am sure the police can run that footage thru some kind of software to clean it up, or if they have time and place look in ther own footage from other cameras on that road. ( licenceplate cameras and so on )

I have filters on a fjew of my SLR lenses, mostly to protect the lens, but i have no filters on my Dslr.
That's a strange license plate - is that normal over there to have those two small letters then or is that an intentionally dodgy numberplate?

The driving is shocking and I'm amazed he didn't hit a few of those cars!
this is why I am sort of giving up on expecting to be able to read license plates. with my mobius even at 18mbps I am just not satisfied and not much easier to read than my much lower blackvues. I think 4k at 30fps is what I would need to be satisfied.
this is why I am sort of giving up on expecting to be able to read license plates. with my mobius even at 18mbps I am just not satisfied and not much easier to read than my much lower blackvues. I think 4k at 30fps is what I would need to be satisfied.
based on posts elsewhere in this forum. an increase in FPS may turn out to be a better plate reading option.
The market is there for a dash cam that will read plates yet nobody is manufacturing it. It's not like they couldn't do it for an affordable price. My guess is they are trying to get every penny they can by small incremental increases.
I can make out plates better using my old iPhone 4 than a dedicated dash cam. My Samsung S5 plates are very easily read. It puts all Dash cams to shame.
Not my video but it shows how easily one can read plates using Samsung S5 for dash cam. Without youtube compression it is even better.

Phones dynamically adjust the focus, plenty of times they'll get it wrong also, no chance the phones would have caught the plate in this clip any better either
The market is there for a dash cam that will read plates yet nobody is manufacturing it. It's not like they couldn't do it for an affordable price. My guess is they are trying to get every penny they can by small incremental increases.

Even dedicated CCTV cameras designed for license plate capture are outrageously expensive compared to normal 3MP 1080p HD CCTV cameras. License plate capture cameras cost in the thousands of dollars compared to hundreds for high end CCTV cameras and even these are designed to operate in fixed positions. It is also unlikely that your notion that, "It's not like they couldn't do it for an affordable price" in building a license plate reading dash cam is realistic. The resolution and frame rate are not there yet in the current chipsets. You would also need high megapixels special lenses generally not seen in dash cams. Comparing a smart phone video or even a DSLR or camcorder video to a dash cam is not a realistic or practical comparison.