Panorama II S broken video clips


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Prestigio RoadRunner 530, Powerucc Panorama II S
Panorama II S without GPS (firmware 1.12.06 2014-04-22 18:00).

I am using it for surveillance purposes, therefore it records constantly. When reviewing video clips on memory card I see that time to time some clips are broken.


Video cycling is set to 5 minutes. Instead of having ~450MB 5 min video clip, the file is only 184kB large. Seems that some kind of crash happens inside firmware and only after 5 minutes when video cycling watchdog is hit the file writing process restarts. Aa a result 5 minutes of video are lost :/
Are you using a full size SD card or microSD with adapter?
What is the make model of card?
You should run a performance quality check via H2TESTW
Do you have motion detection on or off?
Thanks for the recommendation. I have tested the memory card with H2TESTW:

Warning: Only 119503 of 119504 MByte tested.
Test finished without errors.
You can now delete the test files *.h2w or verify them again.
Writing speed: 11.1 MByte/s
Reading speed: 25.5 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4

I have changed clip cycle to 1 minute. When capturing video for full day we can observe on average ~4 broken clips 37.9kb each:


It seems that firmware has a software bug which is being hit once these magical 37.9kb are written (video file header or first few frames).
Please note, that Panorama does not reboot when these broken clips are made. Occasional reboot (the link you provided) is a separate bug.

I suspect it's related. The Panorama will do it's best if there is trouble with the card or card format until memory leaks = short clips and or reboot. Brand/Size?
I have tested with 32GB card formatted to FAT using Panorama bultin formater - works without issues!

The problem is with > 32GB cards which are formated to exFAT.

Tried to format card >32GB to FAT using as suggested, but Panorama does not recognize cards >32GB with FAT filesystem.
We've been selling/supporting Panorama's with >32GB cards all year long. (No problems on FAT32 even 256GB). How many >32GB cards did you try? What are the make/models? It sounds like you have an isolated incident or nonstandard controller on the particular SD card you have. (Which brands??) If you've exhausted all troubleshooting then it is time to RMA/replace your camera.


Now you are complaining that files are corrupted when you eject the SD card during a live recording? That "Crash Test" makes no sense.
Ejecting ANy memory card from aNY camera while recording (or even while powered on) is a no no. The corrupt file is the result, so not sure what you expect from your test. (not logical)
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Let's put away off-topic Panorama "crash test" topic.

I did test Panorama S in 24/7 recording mode with these 3 memory cards:

All of them when running exFAT have ~2 broken clips per 6 hours (and sometimes Panorama restarts).

I have tried to format them to FAT using SmartDisk as suggested:

64GB Kingston and 128GB Kingston cards when formated to FAT are simply not recognized by Panorama:

128GB Transcend card formated to FAT is recognized by Panorama, but after the recording starts the Panorama hangs.

All three cards have been running in Prestigio dashcam in 24/7 recording mode without problems.

Can you, please, suggest 128GB SDXC card model which you have tested and you are sure that Panorama supports it?

Thank you!
I use exclusively a 128gb sandisk card. I have been for weeks. I use a panorama g so there may be some differences under the hood vs the iis.

I run this particular cam 24/7 . when I get home I swap out the 128gb sandisk card with a 64gb sandisk card that runs overnight.

I don't use any fancy formatting program. When I do format these cards, I do it in camera unless I am updating firmware then I format the card in a windows 8.1 machine with its built in card reader. My machine and the card reader always have their latest updates.

I use sandisk in my two other cams of various brands and price points with no issues.

For some reason my results are not typical on this forum, nevertheless my real world experience is sound.
Bought Sandisk 128gb card.

The same result.
Formated to FAT32 using SmartDisk -- card error.
Formated to exFAT -- broken video clips.

I have ordered PNY 256GB card. Will report success as soon as I receive it.
You've pretty much proven the camera is faulty - how come you've not had it swapped out under RMA?
I use 128gb SanDisk cards In the x2 24/7 with zero issue.

Seems the issue may be in the camera itself as others have mentioned...
I should receive Panorama G from Pier28 soon. If Panorama G will work fine with these cards then we can consider it to be faulty camera. I will update on results.
Is there any chance you could upload some of the broken files at all please?

In fact do you have a GPS for this camera?

I've seen similar on the X2 with a 64GB exFAT card today. exFAT is buggy on these and it could be maybe something to do with that if the camera is ok with 32GB cards.
John I had the same issue remember? and I also see another file like it in the new one you sent to me before the issues with the 64gb cards. I thought that I will wait for the new firmware to test it again to make sure it doesn't happens on the new X2 as well.
Results with Panorama G (1.00.05 2014-10-08) received from Pier28:

Tested these 3 cards with different video cyclic times:


Sandisk exFAT: broken video
Sandisk FAT: card error
Kingstone exFAT: broken video
Kingstone FAT: card error
Transcend exFAT: broken video
Transcend FAT: video recording hangs




I have attached example of broken video clip.

