Panorama II S occasional reboot


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Prestigio RoadRunner 530, Powerucc Panorama II S
Powerucc PanoramaII DVR (firmware 1.12.06 2014-04-22 18:00) reboots occasionally:

This does not happen too frequently. In a week I have noticed 3 reboots (I am not always in the the room where the recording takes place). Apparently there is some software bug.

When after reboot examining memory card contents, we can observe:
-rwx------ 1 user user 86M Sep 15 22:28 20140915_212743.MP4
-rwx------ 1 user user 86M Sep 15 22:29 20140915_212843.MP4
-rwx------ 1 user user 86M Sep 15 22:30 20140915_212943.MP4
-rwx------ 1 user user 86M Sep 15 22:31 20140915_213043.MP4
-rwx------ 1 user user 86M Sep 15 22:32 20140915_213143.MP4
-rwx------ 1 user user 86M Sep 15 22:33 20140915_213243.MP4 <-- file created before reboot, however, it contains the same 16 sec video footage made after reboot (although as you see the file size is much bigger)
-rwx------ 1 user user 24M Sep 15 22:34 20140915_213353.MP4 <-- 16 sec video footage taken after reboot
What size / brand memory card do you have? If you have 64GB or larger you might need to manually format it FAT32 to make things more stable.
If you have any spare 32GB cards, try/test that. (can native format that one in camera no problem)
Yes, this seems to be related to unreliable support for cards > 32GB.
We've been selling/supporting Panorama's with >32GB cards all year long. (No problems on FAT32 even 256GB). How many >32GB cards did you try? What are the make/models? It sounds like you have an isolated incident or nonstandard controller on the particular SD card you have. (Which brands?? SanDisk is reported to have issues) If you've exhausted all troubleshooting then it is time to RMA/replace your camera.


Now you are complaining that files are corrupted when you eject the SD card during a live recording? That "Crash Test" makes no sense.
Ejecting ANy memory card from aNY camera while recording (or even while powered on) is a no no. The corrupt file is the result, so not sure what you expect from your test. (not logical)
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The Panorama S/G rebooting issue was trace down to Chinese 220v-to-12v converter. I was able to reproduce reboot when switching on light:

Have not experienced any reboots after using CTEK charger as 12v power source: