Panorama S in the Model S


New Member
Jul 5, 2014
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United States
Great information on this forum and am looking into getting my first dash cam. Getting ready to order the Panorama S in matte black and am wondering if anyone has experience installing this in a Tesla Model S and also which power safety device to get. Has anyone already installed the Panorama II or S in the Model S and have any advice?

I am ordering from Roadcam's website and they sell one the hardwire power supply BDP kit. I've also seen the Lukas LK-290 and the Black Magic device recommended. I'm not really sure what the difference between the three devices is. I tried looking for a review of the best power safety device but didn't see it. If it's already here, let me know. Appreciate it. Thanks.
Hi dsm, happy to help.

Here's the new Matte Black Panorama S as you said you found. (standing by)

Here is the hard wire multi-safer Battery Discharge Prevention kit we pair with the Panorama. I'll ask our engineering contacts for pros/cons compared to Lukas/Black Magic (stand by)

As far as getting it to work with a Tesla, that's a good question. I know some new BMW's avery very temperamental and won't behave when you change any power load at all. Tesla might be the same way, we need to find out. Worst case is you add your own 3rd party 12v battery pack such as:
The Panorama has very low power draw, probably the lowest out there, if you want to use a BDP I'd be inclined to use the matching one as they are designed to work together
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Thank you. Someone on one of the Tesla forums said the way the 12V battery is maintained in the Model S, a battery device may not be needed. There wouldn't be very many days it would sit without being driven so probably could go without it but wanted to confirm optimal install prior to going ahead. Thank you both for the advice.