Parking Battery-Power Station, 3X capacity and 3X cheaper than dedicated options + extra functionality


Active Member
May 19, 2023
Reaction score
Savannah, GA
United States
First, thanks to the members of this forum for posting great reviews and comments to help people like me choose the DashCam that suits their specific needs.

Now, I want to share my project here and maybe help people, who do not want to mess with a car battery and fuse box but are hesitant to spend a lot of money on a dedicated overpriced battery with limited functionality.

To start, here is my bench test.

Bluetti EB3A Power Station on the right, simulates 12V car socket, which I turn ON/OFF to simulate car ignition.

Necespow 161Wh Power Station for parking is on the left.
Note that it is initially completely OFF, and automatically turns on for charging and powering DVR, when the ignition is turned on the first time.
This Power Stations will stay on for entire parking duration and will not auto shut-off until DVR is OFF.

Videos are in the following posts
For now, couple of slides:


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My ‘must have’ essential requirements for Parking Power Station (PS):
  1. Battery technology – LFP/LiFePo4 with built in protections
  2. USB-C(PD) or DC quick charging capability – 60W min, 100-140W preferable (for 2ch+, power hungry DVRs)
  3. Energy Capacity 150Wh-300Wh and more
  4. Capable of running low power load (~2W), without auto shut-off
  5. After auto-shut-off, due to inactivity (with time limited parking mode), should automatically turn-on DC/USB ports, once charge starts with car ignition/ACC.
  6. Heat resistant with wide temperatures range.
  7. Sub-Zero low temp charging protection
  8. Low price
My ‘good to have’ requirements for Parking Power Station (PS):
  • Dual charging capability (for future Solar Panel use, perhaps as a “Windshield sunshade”
  • Display on the unit and App
Plus, all Power Stations come with extra functionalities, such as, Solar charging portability with DC and AC power outlets for use on camping, or at home, during power outage, multi-functional light for emergency, all kind of built-in protections, etc.

Requirements for car charger adapter for cigarette lighter socket if charging with USB-C(PD). (No need if charging through DC port):
  • One USB-C(PD) port, providing 60-65W min, 100-140W preferable (for power hungry DVRs)
  • One USB-A outlet
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I found and tested couple of Power Stations from Amazon that meet these requirements:
  • Necespow 161Wh and 322Wh ($60 and $120, best prices when on sale)
  • Baseus 153Wh and 288Wh ($100 and $170, best prices when on sale)
UPDATE: Adding EcoFlow River2, 256Wh and River2max 512Wh, ($169 best sale price and $399 and many refurbished on eBay for much less prices), ref. Posts #129-135
UPDATE: Necespow 161Wh and 322Wh will auto-shut-off after a little over 12 hours, regardless of load or no load. Once PS turned ON due to ignition, the time will re-set to start over for another 12 hours after ignition is OFF. So if there is need to run parking mode continuously over 12 hours then look for different Power Station (EcoFlow or Baseus or etc.) Ref. Post #141

(Note, that usable capacity is about 80±5% of published rating, due to internal circuitry efficiency, and depending which port is used DC or USB).

Plenty of car chargers for cigarette socket on Amazon that meet noted requirements, starting around $15, many include required USB-C to USB-C, 100-140W PD cable.
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My original setup is - one VIOFO Mini + one Necespow 161Wh Power Station + one 65W Car Charger.

Necespow 161Wh/322Wh Power Stations checks all required boxes, including simultaneous dual charging for solar if desired.
Tested usable capacity for 161Wh version is 76% or 122Wh using 5V USB-A and 85% or 136Wh using 12V DC port.
Fully charged 122Wh using USB-A is enough to run VIOFO Mini2 in low bit-rate parking mode for 49h.

Rated temperature range is from -10°C to +65°C, I did not measure, but I am pretty sure, I tested +65°C in very hot July-August, fan kicks in but it continues to work!

Tested true charge rate is about 60W using USB-C PD (with DVR on), also dual charge using 1 to 2 split 12V cigarette socket, will increase true charge rate from 60W to 85W (tested). 322Wh version will likely dual charge around 100-110W since it has 4A DC charge limit instead of 2A for 161Wh version (not tested).

Power Station charge rate must be sufficient to balance daily parking discharge with daily driving charge.

My daily cycle is 40 min (0.66 h) driving/charging at 60W and 2x8=16h (work/home) parking/discharge at 2.5W (low bit-rate parking mode)

Parking Discharge​
Driving Charge​

Basically this combination is ‘Plug and Play’ and ‘Set and Forget’ system, when PS is always charged and never fully discharged, (although it is easy to occasionally take the PS home and charge if needed).
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On youtube you can upload a video in a few ways, one of them i use a lot is unlisted, this mean only people you share the video with by a link can see it, it is otherwise not open for searches.
So you dont have to put it out there is you dont want to, at least a link dropped in here are better as there are not as much traffic here.

You can always change this for any of your videos on youtube, and of course you can delete them again if need be.

You can also upload to various file share, like googles drive, and think Microsoft also have something similar, so if you have a G-mail or Microsoft mail address chance are you have that option at hand.
As a file it require people download your video, but many have fast internet today so not really a big problem
Installation is relatively simple, using car charger adapter connected to a cigarette lighter socket.
Very basic cable work required with HK4 parking hardwire kit.
No need to mess with car battery and fuse box.
It is possible to run 5V system or 12V.
I worked on 5V system but 12V is preferable because usually DC ports are more efficient compere to USB)

Keep in mind, since power station likely to be installed in trunk, HK4 cable extension may be required, than excessive voltage drop could be a problem, resulting in DVR not starting or malfunctioning, therefore, use at-list 20AWG wires for extension, keep wires as short as possible and test system functionality on bench or/and in car before hiding all wires.

Here is basic schematic for 5V, using HK4 hardwire kit minus voltage regulator.
(12V is similar except keep the original HK4 Hardwire Kit cable unchanged and use 12V DC outlet on Power Station instead of USB)

Cars cigarette socket to be used must be ACC powered !!!


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For 12V, if DC outlet is regulated it always keeps voltage above 12.5 V and HK4 voltage regulator does not interferes
"Necespow" Power Station 12V DC port is not regulated, however it stays above 11.8V until almost empty
"Baseus" Power Station has regulated 12V DC port, APP, low temp protection, no dual charge however (I am still testing it and will post about it later)
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Here are slides showing wire work and connections (you will need two USB-A cables (preferably 20AWG) to splice wiyth HK4)


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I'm considering going this route myself, though I do expect to see high car temps in summer and favor LiFePO4 chemistry as a result. Unless these manufacturers can guaranty operating environments of 60 °C, they won't fit my use case. Haven't had time to look over them too much, but I like where you're going with this.
LiFePO4 (LFP) chemistry is #1 requirement for parking battery in my post #2.

Both power stations that I tested are LFP, (many more are available on Amazon in different sizes, but on top of being LFP, they also need to meet remaining "must have" requirements for simple "Plug and Play" system.
On High temperature resistance:
"Necespow 161Wh/322Wh" Power Station has mostly a metal case and is rated @+65°C, that is god and equivalent to dedicated battery, most Power Stations are rated @+45/+55°C

I live in Savannah GA, and Necespow 161Wh was in trunk of my dark grey Jeep GC all summer, parked at work under the sun, with windows rolled up, and I didn't see any problem, fan will kick on but you cannot hear it driving
Scroll the linked page down to see the specs
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Sorry I missed it, I scanned for chemistry, not technology. I have family out near you. Your climate is slightly milder than mine
No problem, by the way, here are temperature ratings for dedicated batteries


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Finally I learned how to upload videos to YouTube.

Necespow 161Wh Power Station for parking is on the left.
Note that it is initially completely OFF, and automatically turns on for charging and powering DVR, when the ignition is turned on for the first time.
This Power Stations will stay on for entire parking duration and will not auto shut off until DVR is OFF.

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  • Sub 0°C charging protection (I live in hot climate, probably "must" for cold climate, but rarely available on small PS)
That should probably be considered essential even where you live, if you are going to charge while driving.

I don't know how often you get sub-zero temperatures, Google says you can get temperatures down to -16 °C, but just one charge at freezing point or below can cause serious damage to the battery cells, and potential subsequent fire, it is worth having the protection.
I've lived here since 2008 and almost every year for a few days at night the temperature can reach -3°C, the most I've seen was -6°C for a couple of days (palms turned brown but survived) and only once we got snow for a couple of days. :)

And You are right!
Sub-zero charging protection for LFP chemistry is important!

Both Power stations that I tested, have internal Battery temperature indication and sub-zero protection (update).
Here is statement from “Baseus” user manual:
“Battery charging/discharging low temperature protection – Normal operation will resume automatically after the battery temperature is restored to above 5°C (41°F)”
In fact normal operation will resume above 0°C - good (update)
I believe this protection is no different than dedicated battery
I doubt dedicated battery has internal heater - the feature, usually implemented on home backup systems and occasionally on very expensive and large power stations.

Good thing about these PowerStation’s - they are portable, and it is easy to take them home to keep them warm and charge if needed.
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I doubt dedicated battery has internal heater - the feature, usually implemented on home backup systems and occasionally on very expensive and large power stations.
For most people, there is no point in an internal heater; by the time the cells have warmed through to their centre and charging is safe, a normal commute into work is complete!

“Battery charging/discharging low temperature protection – Normal operation will resume automatically after the battery temperature is restored to above 5°C (41°F)”
Charging slowly is safe well below 5C, which helps warm the cells, but for full speed charging, 5C is correct, which is an issue in the North since we can spend weeks below 5C.

(palms turned brown but survived)
If the palms are turning brown, the insides of the lithium battery cells are suffering similar damage if you charge them, unfortunately the battery cells don't repair themselves!
Also, sub-zero discharge is fine, up to really low temps, and both power stations discharge at negative temps (tested, update).
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As I mentioned originally I had one VIOFO Mini setup.
Later, I added second VIOFO Mini2 and my current setup is two (2) VIOFO DVRs, Mini2 up front and original Mini on back

One (1) Necespow 161Wh PS runs both DVRs – no problem (I am not sure if dedicated battery pack allows that).

Of course, parking power consumption doubled to 5W
If I keep the same 8h limit for parking for total of 16 parking hours then it will last for 3 days before re-charging at home, and with dual charge at 85W it will last for 5 days before re-charging.
if I don't re-charging, parking duration will be cut short after those days, and in the next morning the cycle will restart and power station will operate within daily charge rate (no different than Dedicated battery)

But, I wanted “Set and Forget” system for my 16h parking schedule........To be continued
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