Parking Mode File Size

Gary Edstrom

Feb 9, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Why are file sizes the same in parking mode as in normal mode? Video is only being taken at 10 FPS instead of the normal 30 FPS. Shouldn't the files be about a third the size? What purpose does parking mode serve otherwise?
reduced bitrate or timelapse mode will reduce file size, just lowering the frames per second of the video won't change the size
But why doesn't the FPS-reduction result in a lower bitrate? Is the bitrate fixed, resulting in less video compression?
But why doesn't the FPS-reduction result in a lower bitrate? Is the bitrate fixed, resulting in less video compression?

it's still the same bitrate, you wouldn't want it lower as it's already quite low, they possibly just drop the frame rate for better low light results when parked when motion blur from movement isn't such a concern