Parking Mode - Only Sensor Activated - Not Continuous?


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Just got my U1000 installed today. I have no issues getting parking mode to work, however ... The cameras appears to just keep recording with nothing passing by.

Does the U1000 stock have the ability to only record via sensor activation whilst in parking mode?

I am worried the the U1000 is unhealthy for my car's battery. Being drained to 12V continuously is something that I can see a happening with the current configuration if I am to leave parking mode selected.

Am I missing something.
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I think stock you have the option to do time lapse parking mode, and G- sensor activated, and then with the add-on of the radar detector you have motion detect.
At least thats how i think it are, not really familiar with this brand / model
Found the settings for it and it's all working now. For some reason the default was recording all the time in parking mode. Sadly I am not impressed with the quality of image. Nothing like what I saw with others on YouTube. I am hoping when my new endurance high speed card arrives that the quality might improve. Seems resolution is secondary to the codecs used and speed at which data is processed whilst recording. No doubt the tiny camera sensor is also very lacking. The gloss and hype of the advertising has left me wanting. Seems like it has good features, but thus far the lack of image quality is quite depressing.

At least I have now worked out parking mode and no longer am continuously recording nothing. I need more time with the unit. If I am unable to get better footage I will look at selling my unit and getting something with less features but higher quality image. The resolution thus far seem irrelevant when it comes to quality of image. I got sucked in with the numbers and watching other peoples videos under ideal conditions. I'll upload my videos uncompressed when I get a chance and perhaps others can make a suggestion as to what I am doing wrong. So far other than getting used to the settings, I don't think there is anything I can do to improve the grainy footage ... even under bright condition. Very Grainy.

Thanks for your suggestions. Parking mode now working as it should with motion detection mode selected. I have chosen mid setting ... It takes a while to react. I see there is a lot to learn with nuances like that. The radar might improve this aspect but I imagine that will only work for the front requiring me to have to always revers park to get the best out of parking mode. I can see why some people might have a preference for continuous recording in parking mode - but other than battery issues, having to go through the footage in order to find an actual event would take ages. I will have to read up more on buffer mode and how much that drains battery Vs continuous.

I might have to go for one of those expensive battery packs but just paid to have mine hard wired. At the end of the day ... the image quality kind of sucks so not sure why I am even thinking about spending more money. Had I not been recently involved in a road rage incident, I would not care so much about the hardwired security aspect. I guess it's good enough for that. I think the advertising has oversold the quality of this product at that be more why I am feeling disappointed at this stage. Just like scratches on a new car, I am sure I will get over it.

If I had known about the grainy footage I would of gone with something else. Perhaps two independent cameras. My wife has thus found negative reviews with similar disappointment re grainy footage. Buyers remorse to be sure.

Thanks again for your replies.

Notes ... parking mode wont catch anyone keying your car. The time it takes for the camera to come on takes too long. The advertised video of someone wipper snipping and breaking your windscreen is about it. I doubt it would be much good for anyone casing out you car either. Best I think I will get from parking mode is maybe catching someone doing something to another persons car. Perhaps the radar feature might improve things ... but like I say ... that's only for one direction. I guess it's better than nothing and will make the driver more skilled at having to constantly reverse park. (Something I would consider time consuming and holding up others.) The realities of these features are not quite as Utopian as alluded to in adverts. Hopefully technology will improve in the near future. You can get warnings ... but without the radar sensor I doubt you will actually catch anyone on screen. At least not in parking mode when it comes to pedestrians; which makes one wonder what is the point of having such a mode in the first place.
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Found the settings for it and it's all working now. For some reason the default was recording all the time in parking mode. Sadly I am not impressed with the quality of image. Nothing like what I saw with others on YouTube. I am hoping when my new endurance high speed card arrives that the quality might improve. Seems resolution is secondary to the codecs used and speed at which data is processed whilst recording. No doubt the tiny camera sensor is also very lacking. The gloss and hype of the advertising has left me wanting. Seems like it has good features, but thus far the lack of image quality is quite depressing.

At least I have now worked out parking mode and no longer am continuously recording nothing. I need more time with the unit. If I am unable to get better footage I will look at selling my unit and getting something with less features but higher quality image. The resolution thus far seem irrelevant when it comes to quality of image. I got sucked in with the numbers and watching other peoples videos under ideal conditions. I'll upload my videos uncompressed when I get a chance and perhaps others can make a suggestion as to what I am doing wrong. So far other than getting used to the settings, I don't think there is anything I can do to improve the grainy footage ... even under bright condition. Very Grainy.

Thanks for your suggestions. Parking mode now working as it should with motion detection mode selected. I have chosen mid setting ... It takes a while to react. I see there is a lot to learn with nuances like that. The radar might improve this aspect but I imagine that will only work for the front requiring me to have to always revers park to get the best out of parking mode. I can see why some people might have a preference for continuous recording in parking mode - but other than battery issues, having to go through the footage in order to find an actual event would take ages. I will have to read up more on buffer mode and how much that drains battery Vs continuous.

I might have to go for one of those expensive battery packs but just paid to have mine hard wired. At the end of the day ... the image quality kind of sucks so not sure why I am even thinking about spending more money. Had I not been recently involved in a road rage incident, I would not care so much about the hardwired security aspect. I guess it's good enough for that. I think the advertising has oversold the quality of this product at that be more why I am feeling disappointed at this stage. Just like scratches on a new car, I am sure I will get over it.

If I had known about the grainy footage I would of gone with something else. Perhaps two independent cameras. My wife has thus found negative reviews with similar disappointment re grainy footage. Buyers remorse to be sure.

Thanks again for your replies.

Changing the micro SD card will not affect the image quality.

Can you please share some clips from your U1000 via iCloud, Google Drive...etc?
Changing the micro SD card will not affect the image quality.

Can you please share some clips from your U1000 via iCloud, Google Drive...etc?
Yea sure ... I will do later when I have time. I will upload the raw files if YouTube will accept them. Unfortunately YouTube may do a little of it's own rendering - but it should not make things worse than already is.
I just have to go out and do a few things ... but will link as soon as I have uploaded to my YouTube account.
You will find my video clips at the following link. I just opened that thread with an intro on how I got started with viewing my footage and also my camera placements. That info took a bit to put together. Now taking a break. I will link the videos soon enough. I would appreciate any further input in the following link: