Parking mode: Recording for 8 hours and then stops


New Member
May 9, 2020
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Hi I bought the camera a few months ago. I noticed that in parking mode, it records for 8 hours roughly, and then it stops. I tried to change the voltage settings and time settings. I also formatted the camera multiple times. No luck. I have a new Mercedes and it is impossible that the battery is bad. I have 2 batteries in the car btw.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks and br,
It could be something smart in your new Mercedes that do it, not least if it is always 8 hours / the same time on the dot.
Then it must be something smart in the car, or the camera, some that support parking mode also have a timer option ( usually up to 24 hours MAX ) it could be your camera stop after 8 hours as it is the default value.

If your car are not a electric / hybrid, then i assume the one battery are just for starting the car, and the other for all other things, that's how it was in my 1996 Mitsubishi L200 pickup that also had 2 batteries back then.
But in that case i also assume you are hooked up to the right battery of the 2, if there even is a difference in between using one of the two.
It could be something smart in your new Mercedes that do it, not least if it is always 8 hours / the same time on the dot.
common feature in a lot of German cars, the vehicle ECU will monitor circuits while the car is off and it detects a current draw that doesn't belong it will disable the affected circuit