Passwords keep changing


Active Member
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900X Plus-2CH, DR900S-2CH. (+ several previous)
For some time I've noticed that, on occasions, my dashcam totally fails to connect to wi-fi when at/near home.

Using the BlackVue Cloud Web Viewer & going into settings, I found that the password for my home wi-fi (which the car connects) has changed, but only by the addition of maybe 3 or 4 spurious characters on the end of the correct password. Deleting these odd characters restores things.

There's no pattern to this, regards when it happens but I know when the wi-fi fails to connect.

It's easy to correct the problem but I'm wondering if anyone else has come across this, and if so cured it?

I should add that other devices (mobile phones etc) have no such connection issues and my home wi-fi works just fine.
You might try to have your wifi "forget" the connection to your cam, and then redo the connection... perhaps that will clear up the mix-up. That's just a guess. - Better yet call Blackvue Support... They have great phone support Monday - Saturday.
I should have said initially that all the usual things, like remaking the wi-fi connection, have been tried without success.
Maybe BlackVue support is better in the US, my experiences with them have been less than impressive. :(

Like I said, it's easy enough to resolve the problem, albeit temporarily. I'll probably see how things go.
I should have said initially that all the usual things, like remaking the wi-fi connection, have been tried without success.
Maybe BlackVue support is better in the US, my experiences with them have been less than impressive. :(

Like I said, it's easy enough to resolve the problem, albeit temporarily. I'll probably see how things go.
One sure doesn't expect poor support when purchasing a high-end cam. - Everytime I call for BV support, I get guys in Korea - at BV headquarters I assume. As a new user, I've been on the phone with them a few times... luckily they've always been courteous and helpful! - I would hope you could get the same experience... if not, I personally would ask to speak to a manager/supervisor... but as I said, I've always received good support from BV. - Good luck and keep us posted.

Btw, how long have you had your cam?
This is either my 3rd or 4th BV cam & I'm sorry to say that throughout at best support has been mediocre. It's only that the cameras give good images or I'd drop BV altogether.
Though as you say, these things aren't cheap so support shouldn't be either.
This could well be my last BV though, unless there's a dramatic improvement.
This is either my 3rd or 4th BV cam & I'm sorry to say that throughout at best support has been mediocre. It's only that the cameras give good images or I'd drop BV altogether.
Though as you say, these things aren't cheap so support shouldn't be either.
This could well be my last BV though, unless there's a dramatic improvement.
I just purchased my BV after a fair amount of research. A couple reasons I chose BV had to do with their parking mode and cloud features... and their support is supposed to be superior to their main competitor. I always reach a live-person within about 5 minutes which is lots better than other call-in support, ie, Verizon.

If for any reason I don't get the support or service that I feel I'm paying for, I request a manager... and if that manager doesn't give me the service I need, I request his/her supervisor. I always do that when I need to; luckily as a new BV customer, I've always received excellent support.

Btw, I'm sure you already know this, you can also send an email in to BV for support. The good reason for doing so is you have a paper trail of your communications.

Good luck getting your problem figured out.
BV replied with "The only way that your settings can be change is if someone has connected to your dashcam and change the settings manually or if you have inserted a different sd card with the same dashcam firmware but has different settings configuration."

Now, clearly, neither of these has occurred. It follows BV have no answer, so anything they suggest from now on can only be guesswork.
I won't waste further time on them.
BV replied with "The only way that your settings can be change is if someone has connected to your dashcam and change the settings manually or if you have inserted a different sd card with the same dashcam firmware but has different settings configuration."

Now, clearly, neither of these has occurred. It follows BV have no answer, so anything they suggest from now on can only be guesswork.
I won't waste further time on them.
Sorry they haven't been any help, yet! - - Btw I asked a BV tech guy in Korea a few days ago about your problem, but like us, he had no idea what would cause that. If I were in your shoes, I'd call back and ask for either a Tier-2 tech person (if there is such a think w/ BV) or I'd ask to speak with a supervisor/manager. - - Clearly no one is manually changing your password nor do you have an SD card with different registration info on it.

btw, here's something to try: do you have one or more of the hotspot fields (#1-#3) that are not being used? If so, try using another field for your home wifi name & password. Incidentally, someone on this forum once mentioned that making your "home wifi" your last hotspot entry can sometimes make a difference. Maybe this will help...? - - Good luck!

Edit: If the above doesn't work, send an email to:

In subject line write: Tier-2 Tech Support...

I'm sure they'll figure out a solution for you.

Btw Blackvue's tier 2 support is not available by phone. Although you could call in and ask the tier 1 tech person to forward your problem to tech 2, I think it would be more efficient to just email them directly. - Good luck.
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