PonerineM [debug 0.0.5] multi-cam controller for android (add photo mode)

OK I am not a computer programmer/developer, I know nothing about scripts, Linux or what versions of what may or may not provide control over usb (I am not even interested in usb control, I just wanted to clarify what the wires in the picture are for). I also do not care about the Z25, all I have is the 4 Xaiomi Yi's and a Samsung Galaxy S7 phone.

I watched this video from who I think is the apps creator (or one of the creators). Parts of it I understood but most of it I do not as I found difficult to follow -

Here is what I currently understand:

1) The Yi's original factory software can be replaced with custom codeing by independant programmers (scripts) making the Yi's function as wifi clients (behave the same way as laptops connected to a wifi router) as opposed to their default setting as wifi access point (acting like a router)

2) I need to download some stuff from the internet, then copy that said "stuff" on to the micro SD cards, then insert them into the Yi's, then switch them on to allow the custom scripts to take over the Yi (point 1 to happen)

3) I need to download the Brahma app to my phone. Then I will need to set my phone as a wifi hotspot (to act as a router for the modified Yi's t connect to)

So . . with all that in mind . . Can someone please tell me where to get, or give me links to get the specific scripts/whatever else from the internet that needs to to go onto the Yi's SD card, so that all I have to do is switch the Yi's on, set my phone as a wifi router (wifi hotspot), then load up the Brahma app and press record and all 4 Yi's record simultaneously.

Please also tell me what specific settings/other things I may need to do on my phone, and any code I may need to type in the scripts after I download them (if necessary) and also any firmware updates.

Also please don't use abbreviated terms like FW to mean firmware. The chances are I will probably not understand. Again I am not a programmer/app developer. I just need a simple guide in every day terms how to get from where I am now to the point where I can hit record on some app and all 4 Yi's will record.

Thanks in advance :)
OK I am not a computer programmer/developer, I know nothing about scripts, Linux or what versions of what may or may not provide control over usb (I am not even interested in usb control, I just wanted to clarify what the wires in the picture are for). I also do not care about the Z25, all I have is the 4 Xaiomi Yi's and a Samsung Galaxy S7 phone.

I watched this video from who I think is the apps creator (or one of the creators). Parts of it I understood but most of it I do not as I found difficult to follow -

Here is what I currently understand:

1) The Yi's original factory software can be replaced with custom codeing by independant programmers (scripts) making the Yi's function as wifi clients (behave the same way as laptops connected to a wifi router) as opposed to their default setting as wifi access point (acting like a router)

2) I need to download some stuff from the internet, then copy that said "stuff" on to the micro SD cards, then insert them into the Yi's, then switch them on to allow the custom scripts to take over the Yi (point 1 to happen)

3) I need to download the Brahma app to my phone. Then I will need to set my phone as a wifi hotspot (to act as a router for the modified Yi's t connect to)

So . . with all that in mind . . Can someone please tell me where to get, or give me links to get the specific scripts/whatever else from the internet that needs to to go onto the Yi's SD card, so that all I have to do is switch the Yi's on, set my phone as a wifi router (wifi hotspot), then load up the Brahma app and press record and all 4 Yi's record simultaneously.

Please also tell me what specific settings/other things I may need to do on my phone, and any code I may need to type in the scripts after I download them (if necessary) and also any firmware updates.

Also please don't use abbreviated terms like FW to mean firmware. The chances are I will probably not understand. Again I am not a programmer/app developer. I just need a simple guide in every day terms how to get from where I am now to the point where I can hit record on some app and all 4 Yi's will record.

Thanks in advance :)

If you are looking for support on Brahma please use this thread -

The Brahma Android app currently has just over 400 active users if my google analytics weekly stats are correct - there must be something very simple you have missed during the setup.
I do not currently support the new 25L cameras - make sure your firmware is updated and running 1.2.13 you can download the firmware and instructions from xiaomi here -

A basic set of instructions settings/scripts can be found on http://www.bluestudios.co.uk/Brahma
Hi John.

I found the instructions somewhat vague, and there are discrepancies between that and the video. I have firmware 1.2.3 on the cameras. Have you read the email? Can you please answer the questions on there?
I tested app in my android phone, I saw 8cam channel. How many camera can conneced in this app? Thanks.