Problem with GPS speed indication


New Member
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
United States, Alabama
I recently bought a new PanaramaS and I have a problem with the speed indication on the recorded file. I am using Registrar Viewer and I drive at a steady speed but the speed indication shows speed going up and down about 10 mph every few seconds. I suspect it might be a bad gps receiver. Has anyone seen this problem or have any idea what the problem is?
Still a problem with Dashcam Viewer. The speed seems to be correct but the video is jerky, slows down then speeds up every second or so. I've tried different cards even tried copying video files to computer still the same problem.
I see the speed fluctuating a bit but not quite sure what I'm looking for since I can't see your speedometer.
Maybe you have GPS interference and you don't have a clean signal. (intermittent) Check out this thread.

Edit: your video plays back perfectly smooth for me as well
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Registrator shows fluctuating speed for me also but Dashcam viewer doesn't and the logs don't. I figure registrator viewer has issue. I didn't see the jerky video in your clip. It played smooth for me.
If you have a very old computer it will most likely choke (stutter/skip) on full HD videos

Try VLC player
Yeah I had to use the other half's old single core laptop this weekend which couldn't cope with HD. I had to upload some videos I wanted to watch to Youtube and watch them from my phone so I could watch them properly!

That's another way of testing if the skipping is the computer or the dashcam itself - get it to Youtube and watch it on a tablet or phone which can easily handle video.
With Registrar Viewer the speed indicated on the little speedometer at the bottom of the screen fluctuates about 10mph but the video is smooth.
With Dashcamviewer the speed indicated seems to be correct but the video is jerky. Video runs at normal speed for a couple of seconds then speeds up for a couple of seconds.
I am using a newer desktop compter with Win7 and the same results on a Win8 laptop. Never had this problem with either of these computers.
Here's two screen shots to perhaps show what I'm talking about. In the first shot video @ 16.5sec. indicates 87kph and the speedometer indicates 83kph, 4kph slower.
In the second @ 19 sec. the video indicates 88kph and the speedometer indicates 98kph, 10kph faster. Speedometer is fluctuating up to 15kph.
Window 2014.09.21 13-34-45 (0-00-16.589).jpg Window 2014.09.21 13-34-47 (0-00-18.780).jpg
I believe there's a bug in RV at the moment which is impacting the Panorama models, this isn't the first anomaly I've seen