Promotional activity

jokin, I used my wife's FB sign in to like your page, I don't have a FB account. :eek:
Will there be a round 2 for those of us not using Facebook? I would like to help and am always happy to spread the word for a great product, you have earned our respect. Besides I think that non Facebook likes are more listened too, since Facebook is a spam master and people are used to regularly ignoring it.

Hey jokiin...just found this page. I know we frequently "like' each others posts, so I finally got off me a__ to see what u are a manufacture of. Your product seems like a great one, but as u know, I'm in the small & stealthy crowd, which leaves out the DCs w/ screens (which just don't look right in 50 yr old cars). Unfortunately, like GJHS, I avoid facebook like I used to avoid AOL, so afraid I can't help u out there. Oh well...I still want to visit Australia before I die though.

...but my Doc says I probably won't make it through this month.....

....OTOH, the State Medical Board took his license away so I'm not tooooo worried.
Just invited all my wives friend to like your FB, don't use FB. So if you see lots of Bulgarian names appearing you know where they came from.
Spoke to Auto Electrician in Blackpool UK re fitting dash cam when its available, he has done a few dashcam installs and was very interested in the GT2S model, l gave him your website details.
Not on FB but happy to spread word on twitter if that helps

I work for local government authority so happy to pass details on to fleet vehicles manager who I know are looking for a dash cam with these kind of specs

Have around 240 vehicles being used
We have a twitter account also, not using it as such but it's just there as a point of contact for those that prefer it, once we are up and running we'll use it to notify about updates etc

For larger purchase quantities there would be special pricing available
Hey what about Fidonet promotion? I still have my node working :cool: