Question for you 'Electronic Gurus' - whoever you may be

Just thought I'd post some additional information to what's already here - not a problem and not looking for a solution.

Having gotten things working to 'her majesties' satisfaction I thought I'd put a GPS antenna on the rear cam primarily to sync the date/time with the front cam (already have GPS for the front). Didn't work - well it did work in that it picked up the GPS signal, recorded it, etc.

What it also did was cause yet more radio interference in the form of an 'electronic squeal' that cycled once a second. I assume this is the actual satellite signal(s) as every GPS data log I've seen is in the form of position coordinates recorded once a second.

I'm becoming very suspicious that the '02 Honda audio system is, at least, partially to blame in this entire scenario because I have the same setup in my vehicle (cameras front/rear both with GPS) and have no issues. My vehicle also has the rear window antenna and all cable are routed around the perimeter of the glass. I've read other postings about interference on older Honda's

As I said I'm not looking for a solution because it's not a problem I'm interested in solving, just posting this in the event someone else is experiencing the same. (Although I may try running the rear GPS antenna to the front of the car to see if that makes a difference....)
Just thought I'd post a 'final update' on this thread.

I replaced the A118-C cameras with a Blacksys CF-100 and have no radio interference issues (this was done some months ago). Reception appears to be interference free across all AM and FM frequencies.
I was going to suggest a roof mounted amplified antenna. disconnected the crappy glass mount antenna in my mercedes vito as my inverter, dashcam and 4g router were all affecting the signal and i didn't want to give them up, fitted the roof mounted antenna and i am getting new stations i could never pick up before, and my signal doesn't drop out in certain places like it did before.