

New Member
Jan 25, 2017
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United States
Hi, I have done exhaustive research for a good quality dash cam and have found the SG9665XS to have all the features I need at the price I can afford.

Unfortunately it is so new there are very limited reviews of it by customers, and I had a question for anyone who knows the answer.

When turned on, does the SG9665XS scan the SD card for damage, and does it display a warning if the SD card is now working properly? If so, how long does the warning show. The reason I am asking is, I have heard other dash cams only show a small notice for a short time, and unless you are really paying attention, you might miss it and not know that the cam is not recording properly.

Also, is there a website that offers updated firmware for this cam? I assume since it is so new there will be firmware updates as time goes on.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Welcome to the forum Brian.

The XS should have the same support and firmware updates as the other SG cameras, but as of now i cant find any new XS firmware on street guardians home page.

But any new firmware should get listed in there, and also on this forum i recon.

There is some people that have raised questions in here, so i am sure the SG minions are looking at those XS issues and finding a way to clear them.
Hi, I have done exhaustive research for a good quality dash cam and have found the SG9665XS to have all the features I need at the price I can afford.

Unfortunately it is so new there are very limited reviews of it by customers, and I had a question for anyone who knows the answer.

When turned on, does the SG9665XS scan the SD card for damage, and does it display a warning if the SD card is now working properly? If so, how long does the warning show. The reason I am asking is, I have heard other dash cams only show a small notice for a short time, and unless you are really paying attention, you might miss it and not know that the cam is not recording properly.

Also, is there a website that offers updated firmware for this cam? I assume since it is so new there will be firmware updates as time goes on.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Have you read the other threads in this section? All the reviews that matter are there. ;)

As for your question, I've never had card problems to see what message the camera displays but I believe the XS does what any dashcam does when it powers on: it checks if the card is ok and if not it'll display an error message and the LED will stay solid, instead of blinking. If by any chance you miss the error message you'll know by the LED status that the camera isn't recording.

The camera is still in a development stage and there are a few fine tunings to be made and a few things to be improved, so I believe that for now all the available firmware updates will be supplied only to the beta testers.

I don't think I wrote anything "wrong" but @jokiin will correct me if necessary. :)
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Becoming a beta tester is not a problem with SG, just say you want in on the betas and thats job done i think.
As you can see in the SG9665GC forum, the beta firmwares are out there for people to have a go at, and i think the same will be the case with these, a short closed beta time with factory testers, and then shortly open beta for all to join in.

If you read around in the SG section of the forum i am sure you will find that the guys are the down to earth non BS kind of people, and the betas rarely mess up the camera so they should be safe to use in a day to day situation.
XS recording Blue LED allocated in quite practical place at the bottom of the unit so it easy to see the status of recording.

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Wow, Thanks for all the quick nice replies!! I really appreciate it! Thanks Module for responding to the SD card question. I know some of the cheaper dash cams are not good about notifying in an obvious manner when the card is not working properly.

I am really excited about getting this dash cam. It will be my first one, and I wanted a good one that will last and has good support and I feel, especially due to this site and the knowledgeable members, that this will be a good fit for me.

Thanks again for the quick kind replies! I will keep checking in periodically to keep updated on what's going on with the SGZC12XS.

Becoming a beta tester is not a problem with SG, just say you want in on the betas and thats job done i think.
As you can see in the SG9665GC forum, the beta firmwares are out there for people to have a go at, and i think the same will be the case with these, a short closed beta time with factory testers, and then shortly open beta for all to join in.

If you read around in the SG section of the forum i am sure you will find that the guys are the down to earth non BS kind of people, and the betas rarely mess up the camera so they should be safe to use in a day to day situation.
I think you misunderstood a bit what I wrote. I "got" the camera for testing purposes and I've already updated the camera once, Edgardo also got a more recent update than mine and none of them are public, unlike the GC's. Mind you, I'm not complaining or pushing for an update's release that eventually fix some of the pending issues, I know they're working on it. :)
I know some of the cheaper dash cams are not good about notifying in an obvious manner when the card is not working properly.
Yeah, but the camera we're talking about isn't one of those. ;)
Yeah its my understanding there is already one alpha firmware out there for the factory testers, but i have not seen that become beta.
But maybe i am missing something, my brain dont seem to want to focus much on this smaller camera having been turned away by dual channel cameras and newer sensors.
I think he will add when there is the first official new firmware, Betas i figure will just be shared in here.

And i think its a good idea to keep beta firmwares away from the official final releases on the home page.
Perhaps it should be added to the SG home page " for beta firmwares join dashcamtalk for DL links"
Ah thought it was there @jokiin will add a XS firmware link in the near future. I'm happy to share latest beta firmware for those wanting to help test.
The only update I have is the Beta 3, from 2016.10.10. If yours is newer, please share. ;)