red & blue lines first ten minutes or so ...


Mar 8, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I have both a PanoramaII & Panorama S. On the PanoramaII I must have cleaned the lens too hard and the picture is now blurry in the center, I read not to wipe lens hard AFTER reading I shouldn't on this website, no mention in the manual. :(

I bought the Panorama S because of the problem with the II and I wanted to be able to use the CPL filter with it.

I got the Panorama S in the mail very fast. (same with the PanoramaII)

I have a problem though with the Panorama S. When I turn it on and start to record the first ten minutes or so have these red & blue lines of some sort all over the screen. The Panorama S came with firmware 1.12.04 on but I
downloaded a fresh copy (as told to do by manufacturer/shipper) and formatted the SC card in the camera but I still have the lines. It does settle down after awhile but this is very annoying.

The following videos show what I mean.

Anyone know what else to try and fix this?
That looks like a faulty sensor - can you send it back?
That looks like a faulty sensor - can you send it back?

The sender suggested re-applying the firmware, which I did to no avail. Honestly I'm in the USA and the shipper is in Korea, might be more trouble, and cost, than it's worth. I wrote the problem was not fixed trying their suggestion, we'll see what they suggest next.

It's just odd how bad it is when it starts up but calms down after about 10 minutes.
Hi, this unit have problem on sensor part.
I suggest to ship back to your supplier.
He will replace new unit for you.
Sorry for trouble.
Hi, this unit have problem on sensor part.
I suggest to ship back to your supplier.
He will replace new unit for you.
Sorry for trouble.

Since it is a bad unit, and not my fault, I need a pre-paid way to ship back.
Since it is a bad unit, and not my fault, I need a pre-paid way to ship back.
I don't disagree with you, but keep in mind you didn't get it on Amazon, you bought it from Korea to save cash. I would guess they're not going to refund your shipping but will replace your camera. There is a US distributor for the Panorama, if using that seller then you would have local shipping options. I'm in the same boat as you if either my cameras have issues, I too bought mine in Korea, but honestly can't expect a seller overseas to refund return shipping unless implicitly noted in the terms of sale.
I don't disagree with you, but keep in mind you didn't get it on Amazon, you bought it from Korea to save cash. I would guess they're not going to refund your shipping but will replace your camera. There is a US distributor for the Panorama, if using that seller then you would have local shipping options. I'm in the same boat as you if either my cameras have issues, I too bought mine in Korea, but honestly can't expect a seller overseas to refund return shipping unless implicitly noted in the terms of sale.

I bought from Korea because a thread on this very site suggested the shipper shpkorea on ebay was the only authorized shipper of the Panorama cameras, no other reason, if I had know there was a USA shipper I would have used them instead. I was sent a defective product, I shouldn't have to pay for it's return or replacement even if the sellers was from the moon.
I bought from Korea because a thread on this very site suggested the shipper shpkorea on ebay was the only authorized shipper of the Panorama cameras, no other reason, if I had know there was a USA shipper I would have used them instead. I was sent a defective product, I shouldn't have to pay for it's return or replacement even if the sellers was from the moon.

Contact the seller directly, as they don't post on these forums and let us know it works out. Again, no reason to get defensive, I understand the issue, but I'm also realistic as to what to expect when ordering something from overseas.
Contact the seller directly, as they don't post on these forums and let us know it works out. Again, no reason to get defensive, I understand the issue, but I'm also realistic as to what to expect when ordering something from overseas.

I have contacted the seller (via eBay), I did mention that earlier. They suggested I try a firmware update, I did, it didn't change anything, and was the same version that came with the camera.

I'm not being defensive, I'm being a consumer who got a bad product. I only went outside the country because I was led to believe it was the only seller. My instinct was to look for a different camera altogether because of the sellers location. I hope my instinct was wrong and they take care of this. I haven't heard back after trying the first suggestion to fix it. As for being realistic, I don't think it's unrealistic to expect a product in good working order, regardless of price or place it came from. I am disappointed, everything I read and saw said this is a good camera, my experience, so far, isn't the same.
US shipper just recently started reselling Panorama S.
I sort of agree that if buying oversea and this way saving money we all taking a responsibility in case something happens. I do take this risk some time if making decision to buy locally for higher price or oversea.
However I would support idea of some short so called "cool-down" period, when even if you buy oversee and let's say within 3-7 days after you receive package you discover some non-fixable problem / fault, then return-exchange shipping cost should be taking care by sender. This would be honest towards buyer.
US shipper just recently started reselling Panorama S.
I sort of agree that if buying oversea and this way saving money we all taking a responsibility in case something happens. I do take this risk some time if making decision to buy locally for higher price or oversea.
However I would support idea of some short so called "cool-down" period, when even if you buy oversee and let's say within 3-7 days after you receive package you discover some non-fixable problem / fault, then return-exchange shipping cost should be taking care by sender. This would be honest towards buyer.

I contacted the seller two days after signing for the unit from the post office. The camera was showing these lines from when I first plugged it in.

I'll mention one more time, is how I found out about the camera and on that same page they pointed to the one "authorized" shipper, who happened to be in Korea. I used this seller ONLY because of that reason, NOT because I was saving money. If I was aware of an authorized US seller I would have went there instead. In any market there are knock off products, I only wanted to use an authorized seller because of that possibility.

The seller has sent me two more new versions of firmware I will try today. I turn off the motion and collision sensors so I'm not sure the new firmware will work because I understand it just makes those less sensitive. I have my fingers crossed and will report one way or the other if it worked.

I will also try a different SC card just in case it's the card, but that's unlikely as this card works fine in my PanoramaII. All I want is to have what I paid for regardless of what the price was. I agreed to pay a price for a working product, so far I did not get what I paid for.

For you guys saying because I saved money I should pay to ship it back, I see it like this: You buy a new car, in two months your only have 1000 miles on the car and the water pump goes bad. The pump is found to be defective and not your fault. The warranty will pay for the replacement water pump but you have to pay for it to be put in. Doesn't make sense does it?
OK. Much to my surprise it appears a newer firmware version worked to remove the red & blue static type lines. I used
v1.12.06, 18Mbps.

I didn't use any of the sensors, before or after this update. v "06" is
said to make the sensors less sensitive. Maybe that was the problem. Hope this "fix" stays fixed.

Here are two videos after the latest firmware was applied: (I need to fix the time)

First is using the CPL filter that fits FineVu 500, second is without the filter.

(switch youtube setting to 1080)

My old GS8000 used to look like that when it got so hot it froze. I'm glad that updating fixed it for you. It sucks not having a camera function correctly, but the Panorama is a top end device.
I bought from Korea because a thread on this very site suggested the shipper shpkorea on ebay was the only authorized shipper of the Panorama cameras, no other reason, if I had know there was a USA shipper I would have used them instead.

We just got a fresh batch of Panorama S units in this weekend.
(new black color metal support ring instead of silver, for optional magnetic CPL filter)
We just got a fresh batch of Panorama S units in this weekend.
(new black color metal support ring instead of silver, for optional magnetic CPL filter)

If I knew then what I know now ..... :eek:
My old GS8000 used to look like that when it got so hot it froze. I'm glad that updating fixed it for you. It sucks not having a camera function correctly, but the Panorama is a top end device.

... especially when it's less than a week old.