Replay 3 software - NO Google Maps??


Jan 19, 2018
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Vantrue N5
Is it just me or can we only use Open Street Maps on the Replay 3 software now??
Actually I was going to ask a question about Replay 3 but was about the fact that once you start playing a video both the panels for map and the speed etc disappear.

Anyway I use a prog for route planning called Tyre and they recently announced that there is an issue with Google maps:
We have already indicated this in our previous e-mail. Many of our route planners colleagues are stopping their services because from 11th. June onwards, Google Maps without API key will no longer function, and an API key costs the users such a lot of money. Tyre will be continuing, but without Google Maps!

Maybe this is cause.
Funnily enough - i now have the same problem as above..... Once you start playing a video, both the panels on the right disappear!!!

Was working fine yesterday before I upgraded my 512GW to the latest firmware!!!
Thank you for letting me know - can one of you please send us in a file for us to take a look and sort out a fix?

It will be too large to send through an email so please use the service that offer, you can send up to 2Gb to us free of charge.

Use our as the recipient and please write in the message box to allow us to understand why you are sending the file in.
Actually - what version of the replay 3 are you on?
That is why - check for updates in the help section and go to 3.8.5 that resolves it.
I click every time I use Replay 3 to check if there's a later version of the software.... V3.8.4 doesn't say there is a newer version!!!

I went to the Nextbase website and DOWNLOADED v3.8.5 and you are right - it's solved the problem... :)
Err, just tried 3.8.5 and still have disappearing panels.
OK, scratch that. Had 3.8.4 on PC. Did manual update as link in app doesn't work. Still had disappearing panels. Uninstalled restarted PC, installed 3.8.5 same result. Installed on my laptop and OK. Started to suspect something weird with PC.

So removed all video clips from list, uninstalled and reinstalled. Added clips and working fine now.
:) Phew - thanks, I will keep that in mind should someone else experience the same.
Sounds like a config file remains for clips in the list even when you update or uninstall/reinstall.
Update: when viewing front cam clip the panels remain however when viewing rear cam clip they disappear. Reappear when front cam clip chosen again.
now, with a rear cam, it's possible to have on Replay 3, both cameras together?
or, maybe, it's possible and I don't find how?


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