Rexing V1P is now available


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
Viofo & Vantrue - too many to list
Amazon link to purchase ($129.99):
Wonder when will we get some reviews in. Curious about the video quality of the front + rear camera. Though the spec is kind of disappointing... Rear Video Resolution: VGA 640x480
Rear camera is hardwired to the main unit ?
Actually have no clue.. based on the pictures, it seems like it is. @eric sun, can you confirm the rear camera is hardwired/attached to the front camera?
Hello. I just bought this thing and am slowly testing it out. So far, the video and audio of both cams seem to function fine. I've already run into a few problems, mostly with the firmware and GPS logger.

1. I can't update the firmware. Maybe it's too new and doesn't have an update yet.
2. I can't figure out how to get the GPS viewer software to work. It just gives me an error saying, "Index was outside the bounds of the array."

I've sent an email to Rexing support asking about the status of the firmware update. I think it's possible that if I can update the firmware, the GPS viewing issue may resolve? I hope...

If anyone has any ideas, I'd like to hear them. Otherwise, I'll keep you posted on my experience.
I have this unit. I am testing it. Rear camera attached to the front camera. It has rear camera port. I do face some issue, because correct Firmware is not ready. I like it's discrete design & mount option. It has novatek CPU. I will share the progress.

I am able to see the front+rear as pic in pic mode on Dashcam screen. Is there a universal video player, that can play Front + Rear footage on pic in pic mode?

What are the ways to include dashcam videos in DCT postings?

You are welcome to share some ideas to test. I will test and share it in DCT.

Thanks for sharing.
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This type of setup would sell big if it were reliable. Glad to see some one is thinking outside of the box.
Anybody having issues with the rear camera as it looks ok when the car park but whenever the car moving then rear camera having something like screen flicking, also at the bottom there are some characters blinking and it looks a like time stamp but I never turn on... FYI, front camera works perfect. I think Rexing should look into firmware update.... maybe?
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I sent mine back. The device would just stop working while I was driving, as if it wasn't getting any power from the car. I also was not impressed with the customer support - three days and no reply to my email. I have a big road trip coming up so I couldn't afford to wait around for them. Kind of a bummer as the customizability, especially in terms of recording options, is very nice. I would suggest to everyone to hold off on buying the V1P for a while as it's still very new and untested.
I used the firmware FW96650A.bin and turned on timestamp. I do see the rear is not clear as front one. I did not see screen flicking , some characters blinking at bottom.
My footage is complete dark, when sun hit the lens directly on front or rear camera. I am not sure, whether it is firmware issue. I learned Rexing is working on better firmware for V1P, that has novatek CPU(NEW). It is a challenge for Rexing team.

Do you mind sharing, your mount point of your front/rear camera?

Thanks for sharing.
I installed front camera right next to rear mirror and the rear camera at center top of the prius hatchback.... I have clear view on both front and back camera... just the back camera I got something "shaking" or " flicking" ... wondering how to get rich of characters at the bottom, I agreed Rexing need to work on FW and release ASAP
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I find another thread reviewing Rexing V1 by @Sunny

What are main differences between Rexing V1 & Rexing V1P?

Thanks for sharing
I find another thread reviewing Rexing V1 by @Sunny

What are main differences between Rexing V1 & Rexing V1P?

Thanks for sharing
V1P has rear camera.
Oh, thanks. Will the V1's firmware work for V1P?

If the front camera face the sun (around mid day), whole footage become dark (poor visibility). Is there any settings improve this situation?

Thanks for sharing.
Oh, thanks. Will the V1's firmware work for V1P?

If the front camera face the sun (around mid day), whole footage become dark (poor visibility). Is there any settings improve this situation?

Thanks for sharing.
Not sure if the FW works. If you see rear camera settings in V1's FW, it may work.
As far AE against direct Sun, it's very hard for many dashcams.
You can try different exposure settings if available but it's mostly on the firware update.
Does anyone got a video clip of the rear camera?