Setting randomly reset to default


New Member
Apr 25, 2013
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Hong Kong
my F800 installed to my tesla for two weeks and still have such problem.

I have turn on the parking mode, some sensitivity setting and front LED in the app (latest version 1.0.9) and set the off Voltage to 11.8V.

If I kept it running it would be fine for some days. However if I manage to get into the camera later (either settings / cam file viewing), it would have 80% chance of resetting the camera setting back to default (all including parking mode, sensitivity, front LED, off voltage and so on.) tried use the original thinkware sd card still the same.

Anyone have similar issue?

PS: The always on wifi is awful. And the front LED also unlike the F770 "according" to recording mode. Wondering if this software/firmware is built by the original thinkware team.
Thanks for your swift response, let me check tonight.
Format memory should remove the setting, it is not weird because setting config file is stored in SD card as well
but if I format the memory card by pressing Format button on the dashcam, my settings stay unchanged.
The settings are "copied" to the memory when the dashcam boots up. If you insert a blank memory card, the camera will copy the settings onto the SD card.

Try changing the settings using the comptuer desktop viewer. It seems to work for me.
The settings are "copied" to the memory when the dashcam boots up. If you insert a blank memory card, the camera will copy the settings onto the SD card.

Try changing the settings using the comptuer desktop viewer. It seems to work for me.

You mean modify with desktop viewer can prevent it from resetting?

Actually I want to make the config file read-only to prevent it to be overwritten as a last resort.
Yes. At least it seemed to work for me.
I have gone through a lengthy troubleshooting process and have the following findings. Have found out a solution now tho it has some side-effects. Solution would be at after this thread.

Here is my finding.

1) the time stamp for the default.cfg (inside SETTING folder of SD) is not right, my time zone is UTC+8 (so as my setting in the app), Korea is UTC+9, i.e. One hour ahead. The capture is after my format to SD CARD and changed the setting via PC viewer. Check the image.
PS: I have tried to change the Timezone setting via the app but the default.cfg also overrides itself.

2)The memory card kept modified its default.cfg after power-cycle.


3) after my setting got overridden, I have checked my SD card via the PC viewer, the setting is THERE however the dashcam isn't got that (I believe it takes the default.cfg, how you can check quickly if takes your settings is to modify the safety LED to blink/left to right whatsoever, it should stay blinking in the front of the cam even you power cycle it)

4) It didn't help either as I tried to modify the time stamp of my setting file.
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Ok here comes how I dealt with this (By computer geek way).
--- Side-effects: Dashcam Voice become English, setting page also English. I don't care about that. But you should take at your own risk. ---

1) Insert the SD card to PC, modify the setting via Dashcam Viewer for PC first, latest viewer available on Thinkware Support -> F800 Download page.

2) Open SETTING folder in the SD card, rename the default.cfg as default_backup.cfg first (make sure you have done this step, this is to revert back if you have any trouble later / to undo the change before firmware upgrade)
3) Copy the setup.cfg (after your modification) as default.cfg, mark it as READ-ONLY

Woola, it is working now. Side-effects stated above and my wife didn't want me to spend more time on that last night, let me try later to compare what's difference from the setup.cfg and default.cfg as they are in proprietary format (HEX).
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Ok here comes how I dealt with this (By computer geek way).
--- Side-effects: Dashcam Voice become English, setting page also English. I don't care about that. But you should take at your own risk. ---

1) Insert the SD card to PC, modify the setting via Dashcam Viewer for PC first, latest viewer available on Thinkware Support -> F800 Download page.

2) Open SETTING folder in the SD card, rename the default.cfg as default_backup.cfg first (make sure you have done this step, this is to revert back if you have any trouble later / to undo the change before firmware upgrade)
View attachment 32703
3) Copy the setup.cfg (after your modification) as default.cfg, mark it as READ-ONLY
View attachment 32704

Woola, it is working now. Side-effects stated above and my wife didn't want me to spend more time on that last night, let me try later to compare what's difference from the setup.cfg and default.cfg as they are in proprietary format (HEX).

This looks like it works as the settings appear to be correct but what's actually being used isn't. My settings include volume disabled, rear camera flipped, and parking mode enabled. And when the device resets those appear correctly in the settings but the device isn't honoring them. It's almost like it loads the default into memory regardless of what's in the default.cfg or at least it's ignoring some of the properties. I also tried setting the setup.cfg to read-only with the same result.

For now it appears to be a serious issue. I've tried many various ways of forcing closing the app and disconnecting the hotspot too. It appears the device "resets" after every power loss and randomly at other times too. It will work solidly for a few days but then I'll notice the volume back on, parking mode disabled, and the rear camera upside down.
This looks like it works as the settings appear to be correct but what's actually being used isn't. My settings include volume disabled, rear camera flipped, and parking mode enabled. And when the device resets those appear correctly in the settings but the device isn't honoring them. It's almost like it loads the default into memory regardless of what's in the default.cfg or at least it's ignoring some of the properties. I also tried setting the setup.cfg to read-only with the same result.

For now it appears to be a serious issue. I've tried many various ways of forcing closing the app and disconnecting the hotspot too. It appears the device "resets" after every power loss and randomly at other times too. It will work solidly for a few days but then I'll notice the volume back on, parking mode disabled, and the rear camera upside down.

Step 3 is to mark DEFAULT.CFG (a clone of the correct setting of setup.cfg) as read-only. Not Setup.cfg
Step 3 is to mark DEFAULT.CFG (a clone of the correct setting of setup.cfg) as read-only. Not Setup.cfg

I did that. The settings appear correct when checking with a smart phone through hotspot. But despite what the settings say, that's not what's actually happening. The settings show the camera reverse enabled, however, recorded videos and the live view are upside down. Same with the volume and parking settings. Very bizarre; I would bet the device loads its' internal default to memory first and then attempts to write to the SD card (which fails). The settings screen in the app shows the correct settings as it's reading from the SD card and not directly from memory. If I flip a setting and save it then the device saves commits it to memory. I.e turn rear camera reversed off and then back on. All is fine temporarily.
Step 3 is to mark DEFAULT.CFG (a clone of the correct setting of setup.cfg) as read-only. Not Setup.cfg

And I tried multiple ways. Setting default.cfg and setup.cfg as read-only. Both identical copes of each other. When updating settings through the app; it will state "saved", however, the setting is unchanged as we expect. That would be acceptable with me. But those setting aren't what's actually being used in memory. When the device decides to revert back to factory it still loads default settings into memory despite what the default.cfg states.