
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
United States
I THINK I've narrowed it down to these two. I can't find a comparison. Can anyone familiar break down the differences and close the deal for me?


I'm putting it on a Jeep Wrangler.
You'd have to get in within the next day or so if you want the SG9665GPS as @Pier28 is just about out of stock, this model will be replaced by the SG9665GC which is an updated hardware version

CDV300X is a good design but still has some unresolved hardware issues that are impacting its performance, we have a version of that product also but have put it on hold for the moment until it can be fixed to our satisfaction
SG9665GPS is a very nice cam, but CDV300x hes way better video quality, but at the moment as Jokiin said CDV300X or also known as SG7LA50G has issues which are not resolved yet. @Pier28 they have a new version of SG9665GC which is way better. if you are choosing between the 2 mentioned above go with SG9665GC it is an upgrsde of SG9665GPS
Thanks! Every time I get close, someone suggests something else. This is like phones, everyone likes what they like. I'm also looking at the Blackvue DR600GW
i dont know a lot about dash cams, but would not get blackvue. if you are looking for a discrete cam go with SGZC12RC, you can find it at Pier28, it has everything you want(need).
SG9665GPS is a very nice cam, but CDV300x hes way better video quality, but at the moment as Jokiin said CDV300X or also known as SG7LA50G has issues which are not resolved yet. @Pier28 they have a new version of SG9665GC which is way better. if you are choosing between the 2 mentioned above go with SG9665GC it is an upgrsde of SG9665GPS

Thanks! The GC isn't out yet, is it?
not yet but very soon