So I got rear ended today...again

Chris Hunt

Active Member
Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
This is second time my car has been rear ended...first time I only had a front cam, but this time I caught it on the rear cam of the Marcus 5.

Guy seemed to be paying attention so not sure what the slip up was, but it only takes a second. Seemed to be a decent guy and was very apologetic. Nobody hurt but his car was a bit of a mess.

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Again :eek: you are setting off a dangerous trend, so i better check up on my rear camera.
Again :eek: you are setting off a dangerous trend, so i better check up on my rear camera.
Obviously didn't see me, and I bet he didn't see those airbags coming either...:(
Should have been a 60 FPS camera, but even on 0.5 speed from youtube its cool.
Every time I see a video of airbags deploying I'm amazed at the speed of inflation/deflation. :eek:
I mind sometime telling me that in the UK you need a firearms licence or something like that to work on airbags because of the explosive charge in them. Not sure how true that is or old.

That was some impact.
That too, along with how high one of those can launch a guy sitting on it when it deploy.

Not sure whats in those things, but i think its a fairly slow explosive.
That too, along with how high one of those can launch a guy sitting on it when it deploy.

Not sure whats in those things, but i think its a fairly slow explosive.
yes, it is slow, compared to some other explosives. any faster and it'd shred the airbag and do more harm than good.

driver was probably daydreaming or something - didn't look like he hit his brakes much, if at all. i hit a curb once when i was a teenager - i'd been awake for almost 36 hours straight, and i was on my way home from work. did one of those blinks where it feels SOOO good to close your eyes, and the road made a gentle curve and i clipped the curb. BOOM wide awake! thankfully no real damage and i hadn't hit any other cars.

like you said - only takes a second.
IIRC it used to be sodium azide which is an inhalation danger but they've changed it.

IIRC it used to be sodium azide which is an inhalation danger but they've changed it.

they do pack the airbags with talcum powder, which serves two purposes - it keeps the bag from sticking to itself during deployment, and acts as a lubricant so the person is less likely to get a fabric burn from the bag when they hit it. talc makes up a significant amount of the dust/smoke you see when they go off. can make people cough, or aggravate allergies in some, but that's an acceptable risk compared to the alternative.
but that's an acceptable risk compared to the alternative.

They felt the same way about the sodium azide until a number of people suffered permanent harm from it. Only then did they start looking for an alternative which they found. That stuff was also highly corrosive while the new one is better. I often don't sit well with mandates requiring me to accept risks someone else deems "acceptable" without me having a choice, but airbags are OK by me. I'm still amazed at how someone could envision them with nothing in the past to steer their thoughts that way- a very novel idea that works extremely well.

I have been told it emits an odor. Also to set the air bags back in, it costs $5000 CDN so they don't bother on older cars.

I can see for sure why they don't want babies and small children in the front seat now.
Cost is an issue with these. One unit from a salvage yard will cost $500-800. New can cost $2K+. Multiply by side bags and torso bags and the cost can easily make a relatively new car not worth repairing after a somewhat minor crash. It also renders that car far less valuable when sold for salvage since there's less call for other used parts now. So while they do help save lives, the cost is far greater than it seems on the surface and it induces some very wasteful behavior.

I truly cannot understand crashes like this one. How can you be qualified to drive when you're not even looking where you're going right in front of you? Chris slowed and stopped gradually, there was plenty of time and space for the other guy to stop, and is was clear weather in daytime. Something is very wrong when this happens yet I'm certain that guy will be behind the wheel again legally as soon as he gets another car :confused: It's an appalling statement of how the world really is today.

Look closely at the end, he did slam his brakes and can hear his tires squealing a little before impact. Sadly it was just too late. Ummm is that a dash camera in his car too?
No i think thats one of those toll thingies for road or bridges.