Strange bug...

Yep, that could definitely cause 'strange things' to happen. :wacky:
What SHOULD happen is the camera should display a message that the voltage is low, then if the voltage is low enough to cause bad behavior, the camera should reset itself. There are ICs who's sole purpose is to monitor the power supply voltage, and generate a reset signal if the voltage is low enough to cause the processor to malfunction.
Parts arrived. I have replaced the power supply I was using. The old power supply was outputting 5V at the source which was dropping to 4.5V at the camera. The replacement power supply outputs 5.2V, and I shortened the USB cable about 1.5' I now get 4.8V at the camera. If I find in necessary, I will replace that power cable with a heavier gauge wire, but that is a major hassle. I'm already using lamp cord, probably 20 or 22 gauge. I'll probably up it to 12 gauge if I still have trouble.
I got a chance to do a quick test of the updated setup today. The electronic noise is gone.
I noticed two symptoms of under voltage The electronic noise in the audio, and, when I had the power measuring device in line, flickering of the LCD display.
I may still replace the power cable with a heavier gauge wire, but this has dropped to a lower priority since it seems the current setup is working.