Street Guardian dual channel version release date?


New Member
Jun 5, 2016
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United States

First time dash cam buyer here. Would like to buy a street guardian dash cam after reading reviews here. Ideally I am trying to get a dual channel dash cam but know it is still in testing or development phase. I would like to ask when it will be available for sale in US? Any Estimated time and price will help me decide if I should wait for it.
I am also thinking if I should get SG9665GC v2 right now if it won't release soon - within 6 month?
Any recommendations would be appreciated!
should release within 6 months no problem, when exactly I can't say as we still have plenty to do before that

What will be the price range for the dual channel?
Will it have slightly worse, similar or better specs than sg9665GC?
What will be the price range for the dual channel?
Will it have slightly worse, similar or better specs than sg9665GC?

not sure what it will sell for yet as we haven't finished spending money, haven't got a baseline cost still, spec will be higher than the SG9665GC
not sure what it will sell for yet as we haven't finished spending money, haven't got a baseline cost still, spec will be higher than the SG9665GC
Cool, thanks!
What are the chances it will be out within 3 months?
Also, any where I can set alert when it's available?
Cool, thanks!
What are the chances it will be out within 3 months?

could be, depends how beta testing goes and how much rework is needed

don't have anything setup for pre alert at this stage as it's still a bit too far out
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could be, depends how beat testing goes and how much rework is needed

don't have anything setup for pre alert at this stage as it's still a bit too far out
Thanks again!
Would you explain what is meant by a dual Channel?

Not sure what the purpose would be..

There is a lot of WTF going on behind your car, so a camera back there is nice.

I am not 100% sure its needed no matter what, but i can allso see plenty of situations where a camera in the rear window will be good to have in case blame for somthing is needed to be placed somewhere.

But generally i think a front camera is enuff to dokument you are not the one doing stupid or illigal stuff, but a rear camera can be handy to shut up ( not on site, if possible dont tell any one of your cameras )
But for a court or insurance dispute your footage will be a good thing to have handy.

If the other part is lying and a fraud, let him do so, then he can be nailed for that too when you whip out your video dokumentation.

I allways say i have 4 cameras in my car ( well actually 4+ cameras ;) ) but the 3 of them are really just there for my needs to expose bad drivers on youtube.
in general i think my front camera will be enuff to cover my ass, the rest is just iceing on the cake.

Can you tell us if the new dual channel units will be powered directly
by the car's 12 Volts, or thru a converter to a lower voltage?

Patiently waiting to purchase.


Dave M
Will this new product have park guard?
One model is 12/24v powered, the other is 5v USB powered
Just curious, but what are the factors considered in deciding which way to go - 12/24v vs 5v?