t bone crash: motorcycle vs bmw... start at 1:50

A guy i knew when i was young had the same treatment, problem was he was doing like 150 km/h in a 50 zone if not faster, and he allmost drove thru the car that misjudged his extremely high speed.

The guy was in several pices :rolleyes:
WOW.... Did the guy Survive? It looked really bad, But some ppl have been very lucky and survived some very bad things. also, who was at fault? not sure how things work in Zimbabwe
WOW.... Did the guy Survive? It looked really bad, But some ppl have been very lucky and survived some very bad things. also, who was at fault? not sure how things work in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe? I think this is somewhere in Russia (judging from the street signs)
I see, my mistake, I Figured since the guy that posted it is from zimbabwe,
this is the cars fault all day long. Motorcycles are fun but this is one of the many examples of why I don't own one. High chance of being run over by someone in the opposing lane to if they weren't paying attention like this guy.
When in doubt always blame BMW first.
Who's fault? I'm sure for the motorcycle driver (or his survivors), it doesn't matter. Motorcycles are so inherently unsafe in urban/congested areas, I don't know why anyone without a death wish drives them there. By all means, if you want to, go right ahead - but this is what can (and usually does) happen.

Here in central FL, we have so many elderly people that have terrible reflexes, poor hearing, and abysmal vision - not to mention cognitive deficits - that driving a car among them is dangerous. I see these cruiser bikes with no exhaust or Sampson pipes sporting stickers "loud pipes save lives", and I scratch my head. If being such an unprotected, small, and all but invisible target is so dangerous that you have to drive with the equivalent of your horn blasting 100% of the time, perhaps it's time to pick another form of transportation.
When in doubt always blame BMW first.
You may be trying to be funny but it didn't work.

The only traffic control device the cam car had in its direction is a speed bump, which you can see signs for right when he stopped. It's probably a safe assumption that the bike had the same thing, thus the bmw was entering from a side street which most likely had a stop sign. Bike didn't even look like it was speeding since there was another car just behind and in the next lane that was going about the same speed.
Motorcyclist dies in ambulance.