Temp Activated Fan


Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Mobius V3C
Does anyone have experience with electricity?
I thought of buying this module, and connect mini fan to the heatsink stuck to my mobius, so it can be activated automatically when temperature on the heatsink is over 50°c or something like that?
What do you think?
https://www.ebay.com/itm/141361259356This wire has a temp sensor?
Looks nice, i could imagine that finding right threshold is difficult task, and also positioning sensor to mobius requires some thinking because while you connect sensor it makes heatsink area smaller. One should first try to record real temperature levels from mobius heatsink.
When I was new to the Mobius there was a lot of talk about potential overheating of the Mobius which in the end turned out to be mostly overblown. Still, some people like to install heat sinks to draw more heat off the existing heat sinks. At one time I considered installing a 20mm x 20mm 5V fan on one of my cameras but the problem with that is that a fan so close to the camera would generate quite a lot of noise in the videos and for this reason I decided against it. This could be a real problem and is something I didn't want to self inflict and live with. I've been using Mobius cameras for some time now and with a super-capacitor installed I've never had any sort of problem no matter how hot the cameras get in the summertime.

In any case, if you should go ahead with this plan I'm sure everyone will want to know how well it worked and to learn how much noise the fan makes in your videos.
Did you consider the fan noise? My Mobius gets hot but does not seem to interfere with performance.
Looks like I brought up the same question about fan noise just a moment before you Bungus. :)

You sure did. Must learn to type faster. Ha ha.
I am not sure if the heat is reason for it but the other day while going through footage from parking in the sun, i noticed mobius reset several times, about 5 second chunks missing, i wouldn't even notice if there is no initial color/white balance automatic setup, you know how it starts a bit blueish and it sorts out in a second.
Voltage converter could also be the reason, because it is mounted in the roof, where it gets real hot, and it was not an expensive converter..

Anyways i dont like how much the heatsink gets hot, sometimes its unpleasant to touch it, mobius goes through a lot of suffer

I think that noise shouldnt be too much of a problem because fan would only be activated when parked in the sun, not while driving.

Mic should be separated from the motherboard anyways, because of the vibration noises, i should solder it on some loose wires and damp it, originally it is fixed to the motherboard and all the vibrations translate to the mic
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After some thinking i got to conclusion that all this tinkering with thermostat is a waste of time.
And why, simply because most of people run dvr relatively short period of times daily and it is more efficient put fan blowing all the time using same power source than dvr itself, my computer fans run about 10 hours per day every day weeks and months and they don't mind.
Select some small silent laptop fan and use that.
After some thinking i got to conclusion that all this tinkering with thermostat is a waste of time.
And why, simply because most of people run dvr relatively short period of times daily and it is more efficient put fan blowing all the time using same power source than dvr itself, my computer fans run about 10 hours per day every day weeks and months and they don't mind.
Select some small silent laptop fan and use that.

This is almost exactly what I was talking about in my earlier post except for the size of the fan. You can buy a tiny 5V 20mm x 20mm x 10 mm .16 amp fan and install it right on top of the Mobius. With the proper current you could even tap into and use the same 5V power supply you are already using to power the camera. The problem is that even a tiny fan like this makes some noise and having it so close to the camera's microphone you will hear it on your video. The question will be how loud will it sound? In all likelihood I believe it would be quite loud.

The "laptop" computer fans you are talking about, although small and quiet are usually quite a bit larger and more powerful and make more noise than these. Using such a tiny fan is more in keeping with the scale of the Mobius and happens to be exactly the same 20mm width as the Mobius heat sinks.

There are many similar such tiny fans available. Typically they run at 7000 to 10,000 rpm and move between .5 and 1.5 cfm with noise levels of approximately 20-25 dBA at 1 meter.

20mm x 20mm x 10 mm

15mm x 15mm
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I don't have a Mobius, but I find it quite excessive to install a fan for cooling. Are you sure that some simple cooper/aluminium radiator and thermal glue or conductive tape is not enough ?
I don't have a Mobius, but I find it quite excessive to install a fan for cooling. Are you sure that some simple cooper/aluminium radiator and thermal glue or conductive tape is not enough ?

I don't think it really needs anything. Personally, all my comments here are basically academic.
Interesting :D, but I keep my statement: you don't need a cooler. From what I see in your picture, if it gets hot, it is not because it's really hot, but because the link: chipset->outside the case is poorly built. If you really want to fix this problem: remove your cooler and the radiator and open the case. Find a small radiator and glue it on the chipset OR find a better thermal pad (higher thermal conductivity better heat transfer) OR find a radiator glue it on the chipset and cut the case so it protrudes outside.
Interesting :D, but I keep my statement: you don't need a cooler. From what I see in your picture, if it gets hot, it is not because it's really hot, but because the link: chipset->outside the case is poorly built. If you really want to fix this problem: remove your cooler and the radiator and open the case. Find a small radiator and glue it on the chipset OR find a better thermal pad (higher thermal conductivity better heat transfer) OR find a radiator glue it on the chipset and cut the case so it protrudes outside.
i think that heat transfer is good enough if my heatsink sometimes gets so hot it is untouchable
and if it gets so hot, i believe that heat dissipation(fan) is necessary
That's quite a contraption you've built!

Certainly it can't hurt to keep the camera cooler if you wish but if the cam was getting so hot that "heat dissipation is necessary" there would be countless reports of failed Mobius' which is just not the case.
That's quite a contraption you've built!

Certainly it can't hurt to keep the camera cooler if you wish but if the cam was getting so hot that "heat dissipation is necessary" there would be countless reports of failed Mobius' which is just not the case.
so you would say it is perfectly fine for a capacitor mobius wihout any additional cooling stuff, to sit in the parked car, in the sun at 35°c (~100F outside temperature) for 10 hours recording
maybe people dont leave it recording in those conditions

contraption-a machine or device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe
are you trying to offend my work(of art) :D
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so you would say it is perfectly fine for a capacitor mobius wihout any additional cooling stuff, to sit in the parked car, in the sun at 35°c (~100F) for 10 hours recording

contraption-a machine or device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe
are you trying to affend my work(of art) :D

I drive a dark blue pick-up truck that gets like an oven in the summertime. I've left it parked for many hours in the hot sun with the Mobius running and never have I had a problem. The inside temperature of my vehicle during the summer gets well over 100 degrees F.

My comment wasn't meant as an offense, it was a complement! ;)

(kənˈtræp ʃən)

a mechanical contrivance; gadget; device.
It would be interesting if you could be able to make before and after temperature measurements with and without the heat sink and then with and without the fan and heat sink.
fully equipped mobius :D
Hmm, interesting innovation there. But one of the main advantages of Mobius is discreetness, once you add a fan, a temperature sensor (and a heat sink too), the whole assembly is no longer discreet. Might as well buy one of those larger dashcams with better heat dissipation.