The Box - the Dashcam. Includes Video Samples.

I see there are still halo's around the lamps, other than that the images looked great.

Most of the halos are likely my windows, I do seem to have an issue getting them as clean as the ones you see in others' cars...
Most of the halos are likely my windows, I do seem to have an issue getting them as clean as the ones you see in others' cars...

Hmm..maybe that is why I get the halo issue also? I clean the windshield really good, or thought I did. Going to have to take another look at this.
Old windshield with tiny scratches also cause this kind of effects.
My test sample initially had a problem where the rear camera was significantly oversaturated, but Viofo have quickly sent me a FW update that has set the colours to something far more pleasing.

However, here is a 2 minute trip along the motorway, HDR is on.

Note - the rear is out of sync, I was rushing to get it uploaded before going out to meet family - but you can at least see the clarity.

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The color of the grass and other vegetation looked good to me, but I have old eyes.
Do you have an A229 Plus for comparison?
2 minutes of audio but 2.01 minutes of video?

My rushed edit.

Will add a 1 minute combination where it's all correct Nigel.
My rushed edit.

Will add a 1 minute combination where it's all correct Nigel.
As long as it is not due to a camera issue then there is no need to correct it!
I do like the colour saturation coming from the A229 Pro. The Vantrue looks a little washed out. Looking forward to more videos including some rear camera views.
Thanks Paul . European license plates are so much larger than our Canadian plates so they seem eaiser to read. I dont really need an interior cam but I might buy the A229 PRO just for the extra processsing power if it helps with the image quality. Perhaps I would install the interior cam at a later date if needed.
Thanks Paul . European license plates are so much larger than our Canadian plates so they seem eaiser to read. I dont really need an interior cam but I might buy the A229 PRO just for the extra processsing power if it helps with the image quality. Perhaps I would install the interior cam at a later date if needed.

The new model can be bought as a 2 channel option, so F/R could save you a bit of money.

No, but I have the Vantrue N4 Pro...

Viofo A229 Pro v Vantrue N4 Pro:


Is the Max res on YouTube 480 for this video?
I can't seem to push it higher. There's an option for 1080p but doesn't work for me.
No biggie just checking if I've missed something.
